14). Life of the party

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#PineAble << no

*Blaming all your sins on your best friends.
And nothing's ever your fault.
Nothing's your fault babe, no.
Baby, you don't need your best friends.
Cause I got everything you want.*

"Babe, do you like pineapples?" I ask Abel while spinning around in his chair behind his desk. Eating the delicious gummy bears he brought me, that are nowhere near finished.

"No, not really. Why?" Abel is sitting in my desk, grading papers. He has on these glasses and they make him look so cute.

"Just asking because, I heard people say that your hair looks like the shape of a pineapple."

"A pineapple?"

"Yeah, I know how stupid is that. It obviously looks like a Palm tree. People these days." I roll my eyes and shake my head

Abel gives me an a amusing look, "You're getting upset by this. Aren't you?"

"Well yeah, I don't like pineapples. You don't like pineapples. So having your hair being compared to a pineapple is insulting."

"Well, I only like when my hair is being compared to a Palm tree by only you."

"You better." I spin around again and pop some gummy bears in my mouth.

Someone knocks on the door quietly.

"Um, come in." Abel says loudly.

I lean back in the chair and eat my gummy bears.

The door opens and in walks a lady, who I recognize as the new dance teacher I helped earlier this week.

Her eyes widen, "Oh, Delani right?"

I nod, "Hi Ms. Evans."

What is she doing in here?

"Um, what are you doing in here?"

I shrug "I have nothing better to do."

It was true, Bryce is at football practice. And I really don't feel like yelling at teenage boys to run. Its tiring.

"Right," she looks over to Abel and smiles widely. "Hi Abel."

I hum to myself and pull my hood over my head and observe.

"Um, hi Luciana. What can I help you with." Abel takes off his glasses and set them on the desk.

Yeah, he better take them off. He does not need to be looking cute for Ms. Evans or Luciana.

"Um I was wondering, you know since I'm sort of new around here. That maybe we could go and get lunch sometime next week." She sounded way too confident. Like as if she was expecting Abel to just say yes.

Ha think again.

I fold my arms and prepare for Abel to decline Luciana's offer.

"Um, yeah sure. That would be great."

Do my ears deceive me?

Did I just hear him say yes and says it would be great.

Why would it be great to go to lunch with her.

Why in the hell would he say yes, when I'm right in the room.

I don't understand.

Luciana turns red and starts to smile again, "Really. Awesome, so here's my number." She reaches from her back pocket and pull out a pink piece of paper that folded up.

She had her number already written down.

Who does that?

Like was she that confident that she knew Abel was going to say yes. She probably thinks she's Beyonce or something.

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