41). KISS LAND!!!

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*I don't care about you, why you worried 'bout me?*

I rub my eyes to see if it was just my imagination messing with me. I mean we are a pretty far distance away from them, so this could all be my mind playing a trick on me.

Nope, it's true.

I just need to clarify one more time.

"Do you see what I see?" I ask Abel.

He nods, "Yup." He pops the 'p'.

So it's official, I'm not hallucinating. My best friend, is in a heated make out session with Drake.

"I-I thought Aubrey wasn't gay."

"Me too."

"I'm going to go break this up." I grumble, and stomp over there.

Abel catches up to me, "What are you going to do?"

"Tell, them to back off of each other."

"And, why are you going to do that?"

"I don't trust Aubrey."

Abel gives me a weird look, "But I thought you were like madly in love with him."

"I mean, yeah. I love his music and he's hot and all. But c'mon those type of relationships never work. Especially if he's what, twelve years older than Bryce?"

When I get over to them I clap my hands, hoping that they will break it up.

They don't.

I tried talking loudly to them, pushing them, putting sand on them.


Absolutely nothing, it's like they can't see or hear me.

Abel didn't even other to help, He just sat down and started eating.

Ugh, this is frustrating.

I figured, I'd go to my last resort.

I walk over to the cooler and get out a water bottle all the way from the bottom.

"You sure, you want to do that?" He says with a mouth full a chips.

I hide my laugh, "Um, yeah. They been at it for almost ten minutes."

"You, know. We could always join them." Abel smirks.

"Ew, no." I scrunch up my nose.

Abel rolls his eyes and starts to eat more food.

I twist the cap off the water and walk over to them. I pour water on both of their heads.

They immediately pull away from each other.


So cold water does the trick.

"Bryce, talk now." I tell him before he can say anything and he rolls his eyes and stands up.

We walk along the shore away from Aubrey and Abel.

"You have some damn explaining to do."

"I don't know what happened. But we were talking and all of a sudden his lips were on mine." I look at him and see he's grinning like an idiot.

"Why are you making that face?" He asks.

"I don't think you kissing Aubrey was such a good idea."

"And why not?" He frowns.

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