12). Twenty eight

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*You said you don't belong,
You keep saying there's no one,
And there's no where to go.*

"Lani." I feel the impact of a pillow hitting my face.


Someone yells my name and I shoot right up, "W-w-what what happen."

Bryce throws the pillow at me, "Finally you're awake."

"Bryce," I whine. "Why are you waking me up, What time is it?"

He falls onto my lap, "Three in the morning."

"Why the hell did you wake me up so early, we don't have to wake up for another three hours." I fall back and put a pillow over my face.

"I can't sleep, and I'm bored."

I don't answer and try to drift back into my comfortable sleep.

"Lani," Bryce shakes me.

I grumble a leave me alone, and fall back asleep. Bryce eventually gets up and goes do whatever.

My mind drifts off to me drinking margaritas with Beyonce on the beach. (Goals tbh).


"Lani! Quick there's an earthquake get up." I hear someone yell and I immediately jump out of bed and run to the hallway.

Then I hear Bryce laughing.

"Bryce I swear I'm going to kill you." I growl.

"You're....... so stupid, there are no......... earthquakes in-in....... Florida." He says in between laughter.

I roll my eyes, "What do you want Bryce."

"Oh Abel and Tommy are coming over. So you might want to like fresh up a bit." He walks back into my room.

"Wait, what do you mean Abel is coming over."

"Abel and Tommy." He corrects.

"Whatever, why are they coming over. What time is it?" I follow him into my room.

"I told Tommy I was bored and that you were sleeping. And him being the great boyfriend he is, said that he would come here and keep me company. And me being the most wonderful human being you can ever think of, I invited Abel. Oh and," he looks at his phone. "It's 3:35 on the dot."

"I hate you, you know that." I grumble and walk to my bathroom to brush my teeth.

He follows me, "I love you too. I also made coffee for you." He gives me a cheesy smile.

I smile a bit and start to brush my teeth, "I love you now." I say but it comes out muffled from all the toothpaste in my mouth.

After I brush my teeth, I don't bother to fix my hair. Abel is coming into my house, so he shouldn't have a problem with me looking like this. (If only it were that easy).

I go into the kitchen to make me some coffee, but I hear banging on my front door.

That better not be Abel banging like that.

I walk over and open the door, I see a worried, scared, and tired Abel standing in front of me breathing heavily.

"Oh baby, thank god." He sighs and pulls me into his arms.

"Um, are you okay."

"I should be asking you that question. Where did you get bruised at?" He pulls away and looks me in the eyes.

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