11). The knowing

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*Now we're lying about the nights,
Hiding it all behind the smiles . Take a look at what you did.*

"So, where are we going again?" Neal ask for the thousandth time.

"It's a surprise." I say once again.

Me and Bryce decided to take a little trip, to a place we used to go to all the time back in ninth and tenth grade.

"What kind of surprise?"

I groan and slide down my seat, "Neal," I whine.

"Dude, just like relax." Bryce chuckles.

"I can't, we've been driving for over an hour. Why haven't we reach our destination yet?" I turn around and see Neal pouting with his hands folded.

"We told you it's gonna be kind of a long trip. I don't see why you're complaining."

"Maybe because, I feel like you two are planning to kidnap me."

I roll my eyes, "You're over exaggerating."

He starts to say something, but I put the volume up on the radio and start to sing; well yell.

" I've asked about you and they told me things,

But my mind didn't change, I still feel the same.

What's no life with no fun, please don't be so ashamed.

I've had mine, you've had yours.

We both know.

We know."

Bryce and Neal join me, and we sound terrible. We sound like dying squirrels.

The rest of the drive which was about thirty more minutes. Was filled with terrible singing and the game 'I spy'. When we finally made it to where we were going, Neal jumped out of the car and cracked every part of his body.

It was very disturbing.

Me and Bryce got out the car and Neal looked around and gave a terrified look.

"Um, so w-w-whats --what's this p-place?"

"You'll see." I smiled.

Bryce opens the trunk of his car and takes out this hiker like bookbag.

Yeah, I don't know either.

He slips on some shades and closes the trunk, "Lets go."

I jump and clap, "C'mon Neal. You are going to love this place."

I start to lead the way, but Bryce stops me, "Yeah, you are not leading. What if you get bit by a snake?"

I scoff at the same time Neal repeats 'snakes'.

"I won't get bit by a snake. Lets go." I start to walk again, but Bryce just gets in front of me.

I huff and just follow him.

Sometimes Bryce is just a tad overprotective.

While we're walking I get bored because, obviously no one is talking. So I start to sing a song, while marching.

"The ants go marching ten by ten. Hurrah, Hurrah--"

"Oh god no." Bryce grumbles.

"The ants go marching ten by ten Hurrah, Hurrah."

"Lani, stop." He whines.

I ignore him and continue marching, "The ants go marching ten by ten, the little one stops to holla at that girl walking down the street. And they all go falling down, to the ground. To get out of the rain. Dun, Dun, Dun, Dun, Dun, Dun, Dun, Dun."

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