43). Tears in the Rain

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* They all feel the same
Adjust to the fame
Cause no one will love you like her
It's pointless
Like tears in the rain
So now that she's gone
Embrace all that come
And die with a smile
Don't show the world how alone you've become.*

"Delani, wake up." I hear a voice in my room, but I ignore it and snuggle more into my pillow.

I feel a shoulder come, and shake me, "Delani, wake up."

I sit up slowly, and open my eyes.

"What happened?" I says groggily and look at Maribeth.

"You, need to get up and get dressed."

"For what?" I ask confused.

"You're going to school today."

"What, why?" I whine.

"I finished the paper work last night. So you need to go to school, let's go, get up. Bryce is going to be here soon."

I groan and get out of the bed, walking on the bathroom I brush my teeth and wash my face.

Yawning walking to my closet. Maribeth walks in and sets something on my bed.

"What are those?" (Lmao lame)

"It's, your uniform."

I huff and walk over to them, I look at them and frown a little.

The shirt is cute. It's a button up, with a red tie.

But the bottoms.

Yeah, they're sort of not my style.

It's a plaid ruffle skirt, and it's super short.

Super, Super short.

Whoever made this is a perv.

"I'm not wearing this." I mumble. "The skirt is way, too short."

"Well, what do you want me to do. It's the uniform honey."

"I know, but if they think I'm going to where that, then they must be tripping. I'm going to wear jeans."

"Fine, go ahead." She sighs and walks out of my room.

I shrug to myself and go in my closet and pick a pair of skinny black jeans.

I walk back to my bed, get rid of my pajamas and put on the uniform.

I walk back into the bathroom, and look in the mirror. Deciding what to do with my hair.

After about five minutes of contemplation, I decide on just doing a simple half pony tail. That took literally twenty minutes.

I put on some earings and spray on some perfume.

"Delani, Bryce is here." Maribeth yells.

I run to the closet and quickly slip on some sock and my black combat boots.

Grabbing my phone and my bookbag, I walk out to Bryce's car, after saying bye to Maribeth.

"Hey," Bryce says.

"Hola," I reply and set my bookbag on the floor and put on my seatbelt.

"I knew you weren't going to wear the skirt." Bryce smiles and starts to drive.

"That skirt was so short, oh my god. No I would never in a million years wear a skirt that short."

Bryce chuckles, "I believe you."

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