5). The Morning

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*The higher that I climb,
The harder i'mma drop.*

"His name is Tommy, and he has the most gorgeous blue eyes I've ever seen." Bryce has been rambling on and on about this guy named 'Tommy'. I turned my hearing off, and when I turn it on all I hear is Tommy, Tommy, Tommy, Tommy, Tommy.

"Bryce I love you and all, but shut up. All I keep hearing is the name Tommy."

Bryce frowns "well sorry that I found a guy that's hot and gay."

"According to you all the guys you meet are 'hot and gay'. He's just going to turn into one of the countless number of guys you have on your phone."

Bryce shakes his head "no he's not."

I face him and raise an eyebrow "you know this is deja vu. We've had this conversation way too many times." I lean to one side and start naming guys with my fingers "First was Dillian, the hot guy with the gorgeous curly hair. Next was Nikokas, the hot baseball player. Then was George, the hot nerd. Oh and let's not forget about Lane, the hot guy with the weird name." I pause "Do you need me to go on?"

"Well it's not my fault that there are so many hot guys out there." He shrugs.

"Its not, but you don't have to talk to every single one."

"I don't." He whines "sometimes they talk to me. You're just jealous of me Lani."

I scoff "yeah sure, if you haven't noticed I have a sexy teacher that wants--." My eyes widen and I facepalm myself.

"Aha, so you admit that he is a sexy beast."

"I didn't mean to say that." I grumble.

Bryce rolls his eyes "sure."

Out of nowhere Neal appears, and Bryce almost punches him.

"Dude, where the he'll did you come from?" He asks and unclenches his fist.

"The bus." He says simply.

"Did you hear what we were talking about?" He asks carefully.

If Neal heard us then that would be weird I suppose, it would be bad since, we didn't give a name on who we were talking about.

"No, why?"

"No reason in particular." Bryce says and Dakota, Lia, and Sophia walk over to us.

"Finally what took you guys so long?" I put a piece of gum in my mouth quickly, so no one will ask me.

"Dakota, had to stop at her house again because she didn't like what she was wearing." I see Lia almost roll her eyes.

"We wear uniform." Bryce says clearly annoyed.

"I know, but what I was previously wearing didn't feel right. I mean my polo shirt was way too loose."

"And what now, it looks like you're wearing a babies shirt." Oh god here Bryce goes, he gets so irritated by Dakota that he starts snapping at her. It usually ends with them cursing each other out and not talking for the next couple of days. Then they repeat the process. "You know Dakota, you Sure make uniform look sultty."

I look over at Neal and see how awkward he feels. "Okay," I clap "you guys this is Neal; Neal this is Dakota and Lia. You already know Sophia."

Lia and Sophia says hi, while Dakota just groans.

"Oh I'm sorry, did me and Lani forget to ask the queen if we could invite someone to hang with us. I'm so sorry your highness." Bryce's voice is full of sarcasm.

"Bryce shut the he'll up and bite me." She growls, literally.

"That's disgusting." He replies.

Dakota's face turns red from anger "okay you guys jeez, calm down. Why are you guys always fighting?"

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