19). Gone

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*Got me feeling kind of weak,
And it's kind of hard to breathe.*

"Lani, Please can we eat." Lucas has been whining for over thirty minutes about how hungry he is. We haven't even been in the mall for two hours and he already wants to eat.

I roll my eyes, "Okay, fine. What do you want?" We turn around and start walking in the direction of the food court.


I shrug, "Fine by me."

"So, when are you going to ask that girl out?" I take a bite of my pizza and the cheese stretches out dropping onto my plate.

"What girl?" He says while looking around.

"Don't act dumb with me. You know who I'm talking about. The girl you told me about."

"Oh, her. I remember now." He continues to eat.

"Ok well?"

"Well, what?"

"When are you going to ask her out on a date or something?"

"Um its complicated."

"How so?"

"Well we just met and she has a boyfriend."

I frown, "That sucks, don't worry there are other fish in the sea. You're handsome enough."

Lucas smirks, "Handsome enough huh."

"Don't get cocky."

Lucas starts to talk about college and how much he hates the work. While he's talking I see these two ladies who sit in the table right next to us. They start to gossip and I hear a certain name.

"Wait, hold up Lucas."

"What happened?"

I move my eyes to the table next to us and we both start to listen.

"So, does he know you're here?" One lady ask.

The other woman scoffs, "Pft no. And he doesn't need to, its a surprise."

"I can't believe, Abel just left."

See there, they said Abels name. But it could be just another guy named Abel right. There are other people who are named Abel in the world. It could be anyone.

"Me too girl, and for what. We could have been happy."

Were they together or something?

"Have you seen how he looks now?"

"No, why?"

"He grew his hair out. And it's like in these weird ass dreads. Almost look like the shape of a pineapple."

Oh god, that is Abel. I wonder who she is. And what does she want.

"Really, I knew he was going to do that. How do you know?"

"I've seen pictures."

"He better not be with some chick now. I swear to god I'll snap."

I scoot my chair back and throw my trash away. Lucas does the same and I grab all of my bags.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just a little curious as to who that lady was. And how does she know Abel."

"Maybe she is just an old friend."

"Could be, I just have a feeling that she was something more than a friend. I could be wrong though."

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