24). Montreal

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#AbelBooty ;))))))))

*'Cuz ain't nobody feels the way that I feel when I'm alone,
So if I said that I won't call
The lying comes natural to me, You probably could have had it all,
You could have been that lonely star.*

I get in the car and see Bryce leaning his head against the steering wheel.

"Don't cry babe, he's a jerk." I say as I rub his back.

"I'm not crying. I'm just tired." He mumbles.

"Well c'mon, you can sleep at my house."

"No, not that kind of tired. I'm just tired of everything." He lifts his head up, "I can never find a decent boyfriend or guy. They all have to end up being douche bags."

"Well, you just have to be patient. Maybe try not to rush things, get to know the person.

"But I did get to know Tommy. I just don't understand how this could have gone terribly wrong."

"Its not your fault, it's Tommy's. Lets just go home."

"No, we are going to the mall to find you a homecoming queen dress." He puts on his seatbelt and starts the car.

"Do we have to." I whine.

"Yes, you need to look hot. I mean I'm not saying you don't already look hot. Because you are Lani Like beyond hot. You just need to look hotter?" He rambles.

I laugh lightly, "Okay, whatever you say. I still don't understand why you signed me up for this."

"Because, you wouldn't have done it yourself." He shrugs.

"Yeah, there's a reason for that. I'm not that big on homecoming queens and kings. To me it's stupid and unnecessary."

"You'll be saying other wise when you win."


We finally made it back to the house, after hours of searching for what Bryce would call 'the perfect dress'. And I must say it is a beautiful dress, it a pastel purple ballerina dress, with the skirt part poofy. I also go matching silver heels to with with it.

Even though I'm not a big fan of dresses, I really love this one.

We say hi to Maribeth and head to my room. I hang up the dress in my closet and fall down onto my bed next to Bryce and take my phone out. I unlock it and see my phone flooded with missed phone calls and text messages.

All from Abel.

"Woah, someone got carried away." Bryce mumbles and takes my phone from my hands and starts to scroll through the messages he sent me.

"Baby, why are you ignoring my phone calls and text messages." He starts to read more of them. "Babe, are you mad at me-- Why are you mad at me, what did I do-- Lani, Please answer I'm getting sad-- Okay now I'm sad-- I miss you-- Wow, he texted you a lot Lani." Bryce says scrolling through them and handing me back my phone.

"So what are you going to do?"

I shrug, "I don't know, I guess wait till tomorrow. I don't really feel like talking to him right now."

"Do you know what you gonna say to him?"

"No, not really." I frown. "Maybe I'm overreacting."

"If you feel like that, then you are." Bryce says simply.

I lower my head.

"But," I lift my head up and look at him as he continues to speak. "That doesn't mean he isn't wrong. What he did was totally wrong, pretending to like someone or not. You should not have a make out session in a place where your girlfriend can see you. First of all he shouldn't have had a make out session with her at all."

"I agree. But if I tell him that then he's going to be all 'But you told me to act like I like her'." I say the last part in a imitation of Abels voice.

He huffs, "Hm, well just tell him you saw and you were bothered by it, or don't tell him that you saw at all. I don't know, this is all stressful let's just go and eat something."

Me and Bryce walk out to the kitchen and see that Maribeth ordered pizza. We all go watch a movie in the living room, while munching on some pizza.


Today was just a crazy as yesterday, since Homecoming is in basically two days.

I really just want this all to be over, the Homecoming chaos. The one month Abel has to spend with Luciana. This class period. It's just all too stressful. Especially in Abels class right now, like you can literally feel the tension. It's so awkward that I can't even look up at him, when he's explaining something.

The bell finally rings, me and Bryce pack up our stuff.

"Delani, may I speak with you for a moment." I groan mentally at Abels words.

"Wish me luck." I grumble to Bryce before he leaves.

I set my bookbag back down on my desk and sit in my chair.

Abel, waits till the last student leaves and the door closes.

"Okay, what did I do?"

I raise an eyebrow, "What?"

"What did I do? You are clearly mad at me."

I shrug, "Go ask Luciana."

He sighs, "So this is about her then, what did she do this time?"

"She, didn't do anything." I say simply.

"Then, what's wrong. Something is bothering you."

"You're right. Something is bothering me, and I don't know if I should be mad or hurt."

"Baby, can you just tell me."

"I saw you and Luciana in the parking lot yesterday."

"Okay and."

"What do you mean, okay and." I furrow my eyebrows together and glare at him.

"I mean okay you saw us, what's that suppose to mean."

"I saw you and Luciana in the parking lot, having a heated make out session."

"So your mad about that then?"

"Yes, I am."

"I don't understand why, all I did was kiss her how I kiss you."

"Exactly! You can't kiss a girl that you are pretending to like the same way you kiss your girlfriend."

"Well, what did you want me to do. Push her away."

"Yeah, that sounds ideal." I grumble.

"Delani, look--"

His classroom door opens and in comes Luciana.


"Hey, Abel. Hope I'm not interrupting anything." She smiles.

I say she is while Abel says she isn't.

"Um, what happened?"

"Oh, just wanted to know if you were ready."

"Ready for what?"

"Lunch, of course. Or dinner I suppose."

"Oh right. Uh let me just shut down my computer."

I stand up and grab my things.

"Delani, I see that you are one of the three that have a chance at being homecoming queen. That's fantastic."

"I guess." I say and leave the classroom.


This chapter sucked booty.

Abels booty.


(1128 words)

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