34). Professional

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*It's ideal,
You need someone to tell you how to feel,
And you think your happiness is real,
There's so much more the world has to reveal,
But you choose to be concealed. So you're somebody now,
But what's a somebody in a, nobody town,
I don't think you even know it.*

Delani's P.O.V

After another thirty minutes, of playing games on my phone and singing to myself He was finally done.

Thank god, he took forever.

I walk up to the counter when he called me.

"Sorry I took so long, I kind of got an idea in the midst of it."

"Its, okay. Art takes time."

"Thank you," he says dramatically.

I raise an eyebrow and give him a look.

"Its just that people say designing and making jewelry isn't art. Which is incorrect because, when you are painting or drawing you're technically designing and making something. And last time I checked painting or drawing is art." He rambles.

"I mean I can see why they would say that though. When you go to college to study art, they aren't going to teach you how to make jewelry."

"But they can." He states.

"Yeah, I suppose they can." I agree.

"Okay anyways," he sets two boxes in front of me. "Check them out."

I smile and grab the black box, when I open it I gasp.

It looks amazing.

The chain is all gold with my name in a bold type of font. There is black outlining each letter and the Palm tree it's looks also amazing. The leaves of the Palm tree have green studs embedded in them.

"I love it," I grin.

"Look at the other one." He says while eating crackers again.

I close the black box and open the other one.

I almost jump over the counter to hug this guy.

He is truly amazing.

My necklace is also all gold but the font is in italics and i have diamonds outlining each letter. And my Palm tree also has green studs embedded in them.

I put the necklace away.

"You're talented." I say with a huge smile.

"Thank you, that means a lot."

"So, what's the damage?" I say and take out my wallet.

"Well, Since its you and your boyfriends anniversary and since I'm a sucker for love, I'll give you the necklace for free and you can pay for the chain."

My eyes widen, "No no no, that's not necessary." If I agree with him I'll feel like I'm ripping him off or something. He needs to make a profit somehow.

"It's okay, I insist."

"And I insist on you not doing that. It's fine, I can pay for it."

He sighs, "You women are so stubborn." He starts typing on his cash register.

"You men are stubborn. You never listen to what we have to say."

"Yeah, but we always try to do something nice for you guys. And you wanna be like ' oh no don't do that, don't be nice to me. I'm independent'." He says the last part in a terrible high pitched voice.

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