60). In Vein

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*I don't have a single sober vein in my body.*

Day of Trip :(

I huff as I finished packing my bags.

Me and Abel are on good terms now, I suppose. I didn't ask him why Luciana was in his room. Actually he doesn't even know that I stopped by, and I preferred it like that. I'm over it anyways, I was just overreacting, I know Abel would never cheat on me. He loves me too much.

I check my phone for the time.

6:00 P.M

I have to be at Abels by 6:30, so I might as well leave now.

I grab my suitcase and bring it to the front door, I walk into Maribeth's room.

"Hey, mom. I'm getting ready to leave."

"Did, you finish all the work you would be missing?" She asks.

"Yup, all done and finished."

"Alright, well have fun. Use protection. Be careful. Use protection. Call me when you get there, and use protection."

I roll my eyes.

"Hey, you know it's going to happen. Especially someone as fine as Abel himself."

"Okay, He's my boyfriend not yours mom."

"Yeah, sadly." She pouts.

"Okay, bye." I say before anymore of this conversation can proceed.

I kiss her on the cheek, "I'll call when we get to the hotel."

She nods, "Love you honey."

"Love you too, mom." I leave the room and walk out of the house with my bag putting it in the car.

Giddiness fills me up, as I realize that this whole week will just be us two, having fun. Enjoying each other's company. Celebrating, Valentine's. Anniversary, and Birthdays.

Such an eventful week.

I turn my music up loud and start to sing.

"Is it too late now to say sorry?
Cause I'm, missing more than just your body.
Ohh, is it too late now to say sorry?
Yeah I kno-o-ow I let you down.
Is it too late to say sorry now?"

I start to make the beat with my mouth and people look at me crazy as I stop at a red light.

I stick my tongue at them and continue to sing my heart out.

As I pull into Abels driveway I turn off the car, with the smile never leaving my face.

I don't know why I'm so happy.

I lock my car and go up the his door and knock on it. With one knock, it pushes itself open.

I shrug it off, I'm a heavy knocker. One knock can break a door down.

"Abel?" I call out to see if he's in the kitchen or somewhere.


Maybe he just wants to mess with me. I walk into the kitchen and see the lights are off.

I turn on the lights and see he's not there.

If he's not in the kitchen or Living room, then he's more than likely in his room, playing candy crush.

Laziness I tell you.

The doors open, but you can't see in it. I open it and get ready to tell him to 'get off his phone I'm here' but I quickly shut my mouth as my eyes are about to fall out of my head.

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