37). Love in the Sky

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*There's no need to hide,
Don't overreact,
You said you've been to the sky,
We'll go beyond that.*

I don't know if it was the homecoming crown I had on top if my head, or the bouquet of purple and white roses in my hand that I got in third period.

But walking down the halls and into class I felt like a queen.

Lots of girls were giving me nasty hateful glares.

I didn't let then get to me though, I was too much in a good mood.

Especially when I got delivered the roses. They were so beautiful and I'm glad Abel didn't get regular red roses or pink.

Just to show you that he does pay attention to the little minor things I like.

It was the last period of the day, and I was giddy.

One, because it was Abels class.

Two, because it was almost the end of the day and me and Abel would celebrate our not-so-special-but-special two month anniversary.

And three, because it will be the last day me and Abel will have to keep our relationship private.

Yeah, today is a good day.

"You feel like Beyonce, don't you?" Bryce smiles, as we walk down the hall.

"Maybe not that high up, but I do feel special."

"Maybe, this is a sign that you're doing the right thing."

"I feel like it is." We walk into Abels class just as the bell rung, like always.

We take our seats, Abel is erasing something on the board, so the rest if the class is talking.

"Who, are the roses from?" Harold Or Arnold asks.

I don't know why I can't remember his name.

"Her boyfriend," Bryce answers for me.

I roll my eyes.

"Awe, your boyfriend gave those to you. Lucky." Mallory whines, "Cameron, how come you never give me roses?" She asks her boyfriend.

"You're, allergic to roses Mallory." He grumbles.

Mallory mumble an 'oh' and apologizes to him.

"Okay," Abel stretches out the 'ay'. "Woah, Delani. Looks like you had a good day."

I shrug, "Could've been better."

He rolls his eyes at my playfulness.

Its weird, Abel doesn't look as tired as I do. I mean he didn't even get a couple hours of sleep like I did before he called.

Not fair.

"I'm feeling generous today, so you can have the period to yourself." He sits back down in his chair.

Me and Bryce pull a chair from the computers up to Abels desk.

"You made Lani, feel like shes queen of the universe," Bryce says in an annoyed tone.

"You're, just jealous that you aren't wearing a crown and got roses." I stick my tongue out at him.

He takes my crown and puts it on himself, "I'm queen now." He smiles

"So I take it You liked the roses?"

"I love the roses." I beam.

He smiles, "Oh before I forget, Aubrey is more than likely going to crash our dinner."

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