18). The birds pt.2

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*Sandpaper kisses, Papercut bliss.
Don't know what this is, but it all leads to this.
You're gonna leave her,
You have deceived her.
You're just a bird.*

-Two weeks later-

Everything is back to the way they were before.

After Maribeth and us talked for awhile, me and Abel excused ourselves.

We talked about everything that has happened. I didn't tell him why I get the way I do around alcohol, or why I drink like that. But Abel sees that I won't be able to just stop like that. So he said that he wants me to tone it down a little and that when I do go to a party to tell him, so he can come and pick me up at a certain time.

So I basically have a curfew. But I'm fine with it.

I talked to him about Luciana, he told me that nothing happened between them. She stopped by on Tuesday while he was working after school and asked why he just canceled on her. He told her He wasn't feeling well, Blah. Blah. Blah. She and him talked the whole week, and she thought that Abel was interested in her. But no.


Right now me and Bryce are in Abels classroom, listening to Drake. While he's obviously grading papers.

"So, Abel. When are you going to call Drake?" Bryce says and crosses his arms over his chest.

"Bryce, stop hounding him."

Abel chuckles and stops writing, "Um, it was suppose to be a surprise. But we already talked."

"What!" Bryce yells, "What happened what did you say."

"I told him that I want to surprise my girlfriend for our two month anniversary."

He wanted to get Drake for our two month anniversary. "Oh, yeah just leave me out of it." Bryce pouts.

"Bryce, shut up. You really told him that?"

"Yeah, he agreed. And he said that he'll come down for that weekend and we can you know hang out. Bryce you can come."

"I was going to come regardless." He grumbles.

"Abel that's so sweet." I whine. "It beats what I'm going to get you."

"You don't have to get me anything, babe."

"Too late." I didn't get him anything yet, mostly because I don't know what to get him. But he don't need to know that.

Someone knocks on the door, stopping Abel from replying.

"Come in." He says loudly.

The door opens and guess who it is.


Ugh, what does she want. I haven't seen her since the day I was crying in front of her. Abel says that they haven't talked, he sees her around school but he would ignore her.

Abels eyes widen. "Um, Luciana." He coughs a little, "What are you doing here?"

"I came to talk to you." She looks over at me and Bryce, "Oh, Delani. I haven't seen you in a while, how are you and your boyfriend?"

"We're fine, we worked things out." I smile.

"That's good, is this him." She says referring to Bryce.


"Yes, I am her boyfriend." Bryce interrupts.


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