28). Initiation

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*You said you want my heart,
Well baby you can have it all.*

"Are you almost done yet?"

"Yeah, I just have this little section to go."

Oh thank god.

Bryce's, Mom Lillian has been doing my hair for over two hours. And Maribeth is here, so that means two hours of them gossiping about people They don't really know.

Bryce had disappeared somewhere. So I was left painting my toes and fingers listening to them ramble about nothing and everything.

"Okay, you're free now." She says and I stand up stretching my body.

I walk over to the mirror and almost fall over. I look different.

I never had my hair curled before, and I was afraid that it would make me look weird. But it looks good, really good.

"Awe, Lani you look so lovely." Maribeth runs over and hugs me tightly.

"Thank, you so much Lillian."

"No, problem. You should probably go get ready now. Its half past seven."

"Right, but me and Bryce will probably arrive fashionably late." I walk to Bryce's room and try to look for him.

"Bryce, where are you?" I say loudly.

"I'm in the bathroom." He yells.

I walk back into the hallway and go to his bathroom. He's standing in front of the mirror in only a towel and washing his face.

"Thanks for leaving me, they were talking my ear off."

Bryce, looks at me and his eyes widen. "Woah, your hair looks great."

"Thanks. So why did you leave me?"

"I had to pick up my suit and take a shower." He rinses of his face and uses another towel to dry his face off.

"Oh, well I'm going to go eat." I walk out the bathroom but Bryce calls me.

"You can't go eat. We have to get ready, were late."

"So what, we can arrive fashionably late."

"No. No. No we are already late. So if we be how you say fashionably late we'll be super late."

I huff, "Fine." I walk out the bathroom and go to his room.

I take off my tights and shirt and change my bra to a tan one. Bryce walks in and goes into his closet.

"Where's your lotion?"

"Um should be somewhere on my counter."

I find his lotion and lotion my whole body.

I get my dress out of the dress bag it was in and slip it on.

"Bryce, Can you come and zip up my dress."

Bryce comes and zips up my dress. He turns me around, "Lani, you look gorgeous."

"You don't look so bad yourself." Bryce looks so handsome he is dressed in a white dress shirt, dress pants and a pastel purple bow tie that matches my dress.

I mush his face in my hands, "Awe look at little Bryce growing up." I pout.

He scrunches up his nose, and smacks my hands away.

"Are you going to do makeup?"

"Nah, just so it can get all smudged."

"You don't need make up anyways. C'mon let's go." He pockets his phone and mine, since I'm not bringing a clutch or purse.

An unnecessary item.

I slip on my heels and follow Bryce out to the living room.

"Oh my god, let me take pictures." Maribeth says taking out her phone.

"You guys look so adorable together." Lillian whines.

Me and Bryce get together, him putting his arm around my waist, me doing the same.

After Maribeth and Lillian taking thousands of pictures, we finally leave.

"I hope this thing isn't lame. If it is we're ditching it." After some time of Bryce driving, I see him drive pass the street that leads to our school. "Um, you just passed the school you blind head."

"I know, I'm picking up Neal."

"Neal changed his mind?"

"Yeah, I convinced him to come."

"I wish Abel would be there." I mumble.

"I'm pretty sure he'll end up making an appearance." We pull up into a driveway and Bryce honks the horn. For a long time.

"Really, Bryce. That's extremely rude."

"What, we're late and I don't feel like meeting his people. This will be the only way he can know we're here."

"You could have called him." I state while rolling my eyes.

"Too much work."

Neal, walk out his house and gets in the car.

"Hey playa."

"Hi, Neal. You look nice."

"Hey you guys. Lani, you look breath taking."

I smile, "Thank you."


"Running through the six with my woes!" Me and Bryce yell.

I have been Suprisingly having fun. I didn't expect homecoming to be this live or anything. But boy was I wrong.

It only been maybe fourty-five minutes or so. I don't know, but we haven't been here for a long time.

Neal, looks like he's been having fun too. I'm glad, I remember how he didn't want to come. Because, he was afraid people woukd pick on him. But so far no one had picked on him, and that's good. I wouldn't want to ruin homecoming by fighting someone.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I tell them. They nod and I squeeze pass everyone and walk out the gym.

Walking down to the end of the hall I feel someone grab my wrist and yank me. They cover my mouth as I let out a scream, I turn around and roll my eyes. "You scared me you jerk."

Abel grins and looks me up and down, "You look beautiful, baby."

He presses his lips against mine ever so lightly.

"I thought you were going to Canada?"

"I wasn't actually going to Canada, babe."

"Oh my god, I know that. What I meant was I thought you weren't coming."

"Yeah, I wasn't but I really wanted to see how beautiful you would look tonight." He pecks my lips repeatedly.

"Someone can see us you know." I smile.

"I don't care, you look really sexy."

My smile disappears and I back away from him, "Please don't say that." I mumble as my breathing becomes uneven.

"Say what?" He gives me a confused look.

"What you just said."

"What, that you look sexy?"

My vision becomes blurry and images fill my mind. I start to hear voices, voices that I was hoping I would never have to hear ever again. I cover my ears and shut my eyes tightly.


Oooooo I can't wait till the next chapter.


and there's a surprise.


(1083 words)

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