32). Echoes of Silence.

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#ILoveAbel :(

*Don't you leave my little life.*

After about thirty minutes of searching for an exit we found one, and guess what it was.

The front doors.

Are you kidding me.

Me and Bryce avoided that door because, we thought that there would be no way it could be open. But we were wrong.

It takes a while to walk back to Abels classroom since its all the way in the back of the school.

Walking down some random hall, me and Bryce are talking about, homecoming. Well only the parts where we were at homecoming.

"Delani, is that you?"

I groan and roll my eyes, turning around, "Ms. Evans. What are you doing here?"

"I always come on Saturday to make up new dance routines. What are you doing here?"

"Uh, Saturday school." I don't even know if there is even Saturday school.

"Saturday school hasn't even started yet." She crosses her arms over her chest.

"Oh, really. Wow I guess I heard the wrong thing then. Um bye." Before she can say something, I grab Bryce's hand and we walk quickly back to Abels classroom.

That was really close.

When we get to the classroom, Abel is still sleeping.

I understand that he didn't sleep at all last night and he had a rough night, but we have to go.

I walk over to him and gently shake his shoulder, "Abel, wake up."

He mumbles something and wakes up, "What happened?" He says rasply while yawning.

"Luciana, is here and she saw me and Bryce."

"Damnit, Pack your stuff up, and let's go."

When I go to get my dress, the door swings open.

Oh my god, really.

I don't even have to look to see who it is.

"I knew it," Luciana says.

I turn around and glare at Luciana.

She is really nosey, she had to follow me all the way to Abels room just to see why I was here.

"You really, had to follow me?"

"Do not try and turn this on me. Ms. Thinks she's sneaky."

"Luciana, What do you want." Abel sighs.

"I want to know, what the hell is actually going on between you two."

"Does, it matter?" He grumbles.

"Actually, it does. Because, if what I'm thinking is true then there are going to be some problems."

"Well, what are you thinking?"

"That Delani lied to me, and that you and her do have something together." Well yeah that's pretty much spot on.

Abel looks at me, and I just shrug.

"Yeah, I guess that's pretty much accurate." Abel says simply.

Luciana gasps and covers her hand with her mouth.

Here we go.

"How-- how could you do this to me?" She whispers.

I scoff, "Like this is about you." I mumble.

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