Chapter Eleven

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Hi guys, new update :)

DISCLAIMER: I own nothing but the plot and am not affiliated with the cast/crew of Faking It..but I wish I was bc I'd just cuddle Rita Volk all the time and tell her she's rad. Any similarities to a particular event or situation are purely coincidental.


The next day, Amy demanded answers from her mom about Bruce and Lauren.

"..Since when?!" She pressed, too annoyed to even eat the bowl of Froot Loops in front of her.

Farrah just sighed, rubbing her temples. "Not now, Amy. I have to get to work..but we'll talk later about this."

Amy was still upset and in shock about this whole thing. As far as she knew, her mother hadn't been involved with another man since the divorce from her father, Rick, and now all out of the blue she's with a random guy with a bratty daughter that she met online. This was just weird.

Amy huffed, crossing her arms. "Whatever, this is so unfair."

Farrah rolled her eyes. "I don't appreciate your attitude about this, Amy. I said we'll talk later and that's final." She gave her a stern look before grabbing her keys and leaving for work.

The blonde then sat alone at the table, burying her face in her hands. Maybe Amy didn't wanna 'talk later', maybe she just wanted answers now. Or better yet, she wanted this to not be happening at all.

In a situation like this, it was obvious that the only person she'd talk to was Karma.

Because, it wasn't like she had anyone else.

She sighed and pulled out her phone, scrolling through the contacts until she saw Karma's number. She clicked it and waited for the girl to answer.


Karma was making homemade candles with her mother when she heard her phone ring. Rolling her eyes, she turned to see who it was.

"Oh, it's Amy!" She quickly cleaned the wax off of her hands the best that she could before accepting the call and cradling the phone between her shoulder and ear.

"Karma Ashcroft speaking, how may I help you?" She said in her best flight attendant voice.

Amy sighed. "WE HAVE A PROBLEM."

"Problem..? Oh gosh, did you get that rash again on your-"

"No! God no...we agreed to never speak of that again!"

"Right! Sorry.." Karma bit her lip. "Well, then..what is it..?"

Amy closed her eyes, not wanting to say it. "...My mom is seeing someone.."

"Wait, WHAT?!"

Amy nodded, but then remembered that she was alone. "Oh yeah. And get this; he has a kid."

"A kid?!"

"Yep. She seems like a total brat."

Karma couldn't believe any of this. For as long as she'd known Amy, her mother had never been involved with a man. They didn't talk about her ex husband, so she guessed that Farrah had just taken her divorce really hard and didn't want any other men in her life.

Now, that wasn't the case.

She frowned. "How are you holding up, Ames?"

Amy sighed, feeling sick. "I'm in shock. And kinda hurt, know?"

Karma frowned again. She had no idea what her best friend was going through-Karma's parents had always been in love; maybe a little bit too in love, but this had to suck.

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