Chapter Twenty Eight

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Hi loves! Another short update for tonight because 1) a lot of you guys still need to catch up on last night's chapter, and 2) I sorta have writer's block at the moment. I know what direction I wanna go with this book, but I'm having a hard time applying that into my writing. I'm trying though :)

DISCLAIMER- I own nothing but the plot and am not affiliated with Faking It in any way! This is a work of fiction and no profit is being made.


"..Karma, just spit it out, alright? I was in the middle of my badminton lesson when you texted me-was it really that urgent?" Liam sighed, sounding slightly annoyed.

The brunette bit her lip. Liam had changed so much for the worse after their breakup, he'd become so much more disrespectful towards her and she didn't know why. He was the one that cheated, after all.

If he already had an attitude for no reason, she was terrified of how he'd react when she told him she was pregnant.


She stopped. All she wanted was to get the words out-spit them out, like he'd said, but she couldn't. She was still in total disbelief herself.

Karma discovered she was expecting about a week earlier when she'd realized she was late on her menstrual cycle. She wouldn't have thought much of it if it wasn't for the fact that she and Liam had drunken/unprotected sex a few days before (a choice that she was starting to regret more and more by the second).

"...Do you ever think about having kids?" she blurted out, instantly wanting to smack herself. That was a horrible way to inch towards the question. She should've just said it instead of beating around the bush and making things even more awkward (if that was possible by now).

Liam raised an eyebrow, looking at the girl as if she was an alien from outer space. "Kids? I-Karma, I'm a 16 year old guy. No, I don't think about having a kid! What the hell kind of question is-?"

His face suddenly fell, and without another word or gesture, all the puzzle pieces fit. It clicked all at once and he couldn't even register the situation.

'Y-Y-You...Y-ou..You're pregnant??"

The brunette felt dizzy-was the room spinning? She felt like it was. She was just waiting until the moment she'd wake up and be a little girl again-she wanted nothing more than to be a small, innocent child-one who was safe and far away from the dangers of the real world-like Liam Booker and being pregnant.

How could this have happened? This wasn't Karma. She was a good girl; well, for the most part. Sure, some of her recent decisions had been questionable, but she still never wanted to go down this road. She had goals for herself-she wanted to get out of this small Texas town and run from all the things that had dragged her down for so long. So much for that now.

She sucked in a deep breath-there was no time to avoid this, she couldn't. She slowly nodded her head, signifying that the boy was unfortunately correct. And from that moment on, their lives would never be the same.

"..Liam, I-"


The word hit her like a bus-it was like a slap in the face, so unexpected, so cruel-laced with anger and the sole intention to hurt her.

"..Please, let me explain," she tried, feeling wearier by the second. She leaned on the table in her living room, not being able to stand up straight any longer-her knees were trembling both out of fear and exhaustion; and he wasn't making things any easier.

"You-you, you slut!" He shouted angrily. "What the hell is this, some kind of joke?! A trap to keep me here with you? Look, I know I wasn't your prince charming after all, but that doesn't mean you can pull some bullshit act about being pregnant to try and get me to stay with you! It's over-you've known that. Yes, I made a mistake! I admit that for God's sake-are you happy now? I cheated, it wasn't right, but life isn't fair. I'm just a teenager, you couldn't have really expected me to be with you forever!" He scoffed, shaking his head. "Please, even someone like you could never be that naïve."

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