Chapter Twenty

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Hi guys!! Yikes bc I literally haven't updated in forever :( and a couple weeks ago, I wrote an update and I was gonna post it but my phone was acting up and it got deleted. So obviously I was very frustrated and just kinda gave up.

But anyway, I'm back! Let's chat! How are you guys? How's life? School? What are your plans for Valentine's day?

1) I'm okay I guess just living
2) Boring af. I turned 16 back in December though so I can drive and stuff now!!
3) School sucks and I literally hate everyone
4) Gonna stay in my room all day and pretend that I don't exist bc I'm ugly and guys don't like me lol

DISCLAIMER: I own nothing but the plot and am not affiliated with the cast and crew of faking it and I'm not making a profit off of this. This is a work of fiction..that I suck at updating but I still love you guys to the moon and back!


It'd been about a month and a half since Amy and Ciara's first date, and things were actually going pretty well.

They'd been spending a lot of time together lately and both girls had a feeling that they'd be official pretty soon. They liked each other so much, it just felt right.

The girls were lying on Ciara's bed, cuddled up, listening to the Weeknd.

"..He's got way better tracks than the stuff they play on the radio a hundred times a day," the dark skinned girl notes. "I like him cause he has good sex music."

Amy choked on her cookie she'd been snacking on and sat up. "Huh?"

Ciara laughed, getting the hint that Amy was becoming nervous at the mention of "the s word".

"For sure, he's got some pretty great love making music. There's specific tracks for if you like it rough.." she said with a smirk, inching towards Amy slowly, "..Or if you like it slow..or wet, or.."

As she kept inching towards Amy, the blonde eventually, she fell off, landing on the floor with a thud and a screech.

She sat up, blushing furiously. "I..I.."

"Damn. You good, blondie?" Ciara asked, holding back a laugh as she helped Amy up.

"I..yeah. I-I'm alright.." She stuttered in reply, blushing even more as her hand touched Ciara's.

"That was a pretty hard fall you took," she said, finally allowing herself to laugh once the blonde was back on the bed.

Before she could respond, someone entered Ciara's bedroom.

It was a girl, about 12 or 13 maybe, who looked like Ciara, just not as tall and a bit heavyset. She raised an eyebrow.

"Who's this white girl in the bed with you?? I'm tellin' Nana!"

Ciara rolled her eyes. "Amy, this is my younger sister Porschia (Por-shuh). Poo, this is my friend, Amy."

"Nice to meet you," Amy said shyly, waving with a small smile.

The girl just crossed her arms, huffing. "I told you not to call me Poo anymore..I'm not a baby."

"Whatever. And Nana already knows Amy's here, dummy. Now beat it, we've got stuff to do."

"What kind of stuff?" Porschia pressed. 

"17 year old stuff, now get out!" Ciara said annoyed, throwing a stuffed bear at her sister.

"Fine, but don't do anything nasty! I know how you like to get down, CiCi." And with that, she closed the door and left.

Amy just blinked, clearly confused. What did Porschia mean? How did Ciara like to "get down" exactly..?

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