~ Slow Dancing ~

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Hey everyone! So I'm at school right now ready to die because I seriously hate everyone, but there's this really cute girl that sits right next to me and even though I don't know her, I just smile when I look at her and dsefewgjj okay I'm done

DISCLAIMER-I own nothing but the plot, you get the drill. And also, this isn't an official chapter update, just a cute little fluffy drabble I came up with last night that I wanted to write and post!


[Slow Dancing]

"This could be it, you know? Like this could seriously be the end-I may never see you again." Karma looked down at her feet, trying not to cry.

"Stop...d-don't say that. This isn't over because I'm never saying goodbye to you.." Amy selected her words carefully, for they were both walking on thin ice. At this point, their words were pretty much all they had.

Ever since Karma's parents had been busted for selling drugs, they'd had to sell their house and were now faced with a choice: stay living in their juice truck or move down to Florida with her grandmother.

"You mean it?" The brunette sniffled.

"Yeah, I do." Amy offered a small smile and wiped the girl's eyes. "You're so pretty when you cry. But you don't have to-because everything is going to be alright. Even if you move away, nothing will ever change what you mean to me. I still love you to the moon and back, my dear. And my heart is bigger than the distance in between us."

Karma's heart swelled at this as she smiled, hugging the girl tight. She pressed a soft kiss to her lips, giggling shyly afterwards.

"I know, I know we aren't...we-"

"It's okay. I liked it...do it again."

Do it again.

Karma smiled brightly, wrapping her arms around the blonde's neck and kissing her passionately, the feeling of butterflies and electricity and happiness flowing through them all at once.

They weren't supposed to last forever, but right now was alright. It was good enough for them because they knew they'd see each other again-when you truly love someone, you'll always find your way back to them.



"Dance with me."

Amy blinked, confused. "What? Karma, we've been over this-I've got as much rhythm as a Teletubby. I'll probably trip and make both of us fall," she admitted with a laugh.

"I'm gonna miss your humor, babe..No one ever made me laugh as much as you." The brunette smiled thoughtfully before looking into Amy's eyes. "I don't care if you're not World's Best Dancer or whatever, okay? I just want you to hold me-just for right now. Hold me tight and don't let me go. Can you do that?"

"It's all I know how to do these days, honestly," Amy said with a smile. She kissed Karma's forehead before the girl turned on a slow song.

"..White sheets, bright lights, crooked teeth, and the night life

You told me this is right where it begins

But your lips hang heavy underneath me

And I promised myself I wouldn't let you complete me.."

As the music played through the speakers, Amy's bedroom was illuminated with the soft glow of the white paper lanterns hanging up, and the girls held onto each other as if it was their last night on earth.

Amy breathed in Karma's inviting and familiar scent, coconut oil and cherry chapstick, and decided that if there was a heaven, it was in her eyes. They were a deep brown-rich and sweet like chocolate, and held the key to her heart.

Looking at each other, they knew they were each other's destiny. No move to Florida, or Portugal, or Mars even, would change that. Even if they never truly got to be together or lasted, they had this moment.

"Don't you go off finding someone else down in Florida, k? I'm yours." Amy teased with a wink, but on the inside, she meant it.

Karma just brushed a strand of blonde hair out of the girl's face and pressed their foreheads together, tracing her finger down the girl's spine.

"I couldn't possibly ever find someone that loves me as much as you, and I could never love someone as much as you either. So you were right, we'll be okay. Goofball and Drama Queen forever," she said, squeezing her hand before spinning her around.

"Love the nicknames, Drama Queen," Amy joked, continuing to slow dance with the girl she loved most.

Karma just giggled again, soaking in all the time she had left. She loved her so much it hurt.

"I'm trying not to let it show, that I don't want to let this go

Is there somewhere you can meet me?

'Cause I clutched your arms like stairway railings

And you clutched my brain and eased my ailing...

You're writing lines about me; romantic poetry,

Your girl's got red in her cheeks, 'cause we're something she can't see..

And I try to refrain but you're stuck in my brain,

And all I do is cry and complain because second's not the same..

I'm sorry but I fell in love tonight

I didn't mean to fall in love tonight

You're looking like you fell in love tonight

...Could we pretend that we're in love..?"


*Update* So. Um. I'm actually home now because I never got a chance to finish writing at school! But anywho, thoughts?? Did you guys like it? Let me know!

Remember that this isn't actually related to the events in the story, it's kinda AU, but I just really wanted to do this! :) It's called Slow Dancing by the way, haha.

Anyway, I'm not sure when my next update will be! I'm busy with school and stuff but we'll see! Love you all, byee ♡

Signing Off,
iStartedNothing x

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