Chapter Thirteen

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Hey everyone! How are you? :)

New update!! And only a few more days until Faking It comes back! Eeee!

DISCLAIMER-I own nothing but the plot and am not affiliated with the cast and crew of Faking It in any way (I wish I was though because I'd love to have Katie Stevens sing a song for me), I'm not making a profit off of this book, and any similarities between a particular event or situation are purely coincidental.


Things had been weird say the least. Amy and Shane were now 'dating' (aka faking it together), Karma and Liam hadn't seemed so in touch with each other these days, and Bruce and Farrah were climbing up the relationship ladder.

"...I honestly think I'm in love with him, sis," Farrah told Lucy, Amy's aunt.

Aunt Lucy was the cool aunt that they usually have in cheesy family movies. She would let Amy eat all the candy she wanted and run around naked when she'd babysit her when she was little, and she said was just always funny and adventurous.

"In love? Already?! Whoa, Little Miss Modesty is already head over heels in love with a man she met online? To be honest, I didn't even know you knew how to use the internet!" Lucy teased.

Farrah playfully smacked her. "Will you shut it?" She laughed, shaking her head. "But, I'm not the only one around here with a boyfriend!" She smirked.



A few minutes later, Amy came home from summer basketball practice, happy to see Aunt Lucy.

"Hiya, kiddo! I haven't seen you in a while!" She grinned, hugging her niece.

"I'm all sweaty.." The blonde said awkwardly.

"It's alright, I was sweaty last night...Marco came home from tour last night and we kinda made up for lost time if you know what I mean!" She winked.

"LUCY! I HEARD THAT!" Farrah shouted.


Amy just laughed as she listened to her her mother and aunt argue before heading upstairs to take a quick shower and change.

When she got out, she changed into a blue and white striped t-shirt and some jean shorts. When she was going downstairs, her phone buzzed in her pocket.

Hey :)

She smiled and typed back a "what's up" before sitting down on the couch with her mom and Lucy.

"..Wait, Ames, you're not having sex are you? I mean, having a boyfriend at this age can be fun-trust me, I know from experience, I mean, my freshman year? I was a killer! I did the damn thing, like-"

"Lucy.." Farrah shot her a look.

"..But, um, anyway..don't have sex. Because you will get pregnant. And die." She nodded matter of factly.

Amy's eyes just widened as she tried to hold back a laugh. She and Shane having sex?! That was hilarious. And scary. She shuddered inwardly. "Don't worry Aunt Luce, I definitely won't..."

"Ahh, atta girl!" She smiled proudly, ruffling Amy's hair. "You're a good kid."

Farrah smiled at the two. "Amy, tell her about Shane."

Lucy grinned. "Yeah, tell me all about your boooyyfriend!"

Amy rolled her eyes-her aunt was so childish. She gulped nervously because one, SHANE WAS NOT REALLY HER BOYFRIEND, and two, she had no clue what to say. She was trying her hardest to fake it, but the whole thing was still so new to her.

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