Chapter Thirty Three

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Hey you guys! How is everyone? Sorry I haven't updated in a while-I've been really busy, as you guys already know. But I'm back and I hope you'll love this update; I worked hard on it :)

Btw, this is technically the last chapter of Hello, I'm in Love with my Best Friend! There will be an epilogue following this chapter, but that's it. So I just wanted to say thank you all so much for reading/supporting this story since 2014 (and even those who came after), I had a lot of fun writing this and it actually taught me some things and helped me get more comfortable and confident with my writing. Karmy Army forever!

DISCLAIMER: I own nothing but the plot and am not affiliated with Faking It, the cast/crew/etc. This is purely a work of fiction and I'm not making any profit.


"OH MY GOD! I! HATE! LIAM! BOOKER!" Karma screamed at the top of her lungs; her face was red, she was sweating furiously , and her hair was all over the place. Amy had never seen her this angry in their whole eleven years of knowing each other.

The nurse rushed her down the hospital hallway up to the delivery unit. She turned her head to face the terrified blonde. "This is very normal for women in labor, they scream, cry, curse, and have all sorts of emotional and violent outbursts. Last week a woman threw a lamp at her husband's head," she explained.

Amy's eyes widened as she covered her head in fear. "D-Do you think she'll throw something at me?"

She just laughed, shrugging as she turned the corner. "...Everyone's different."

"Oh God."

Once they arrived at Karma's assigned hospital room, the doctor, a tall man that looked about 50 or so, stopped Amy. "Sorry, ma'am, family only."

Karma, still screeching angrily, turned her head to face the doctor. "THAT'S MY FUCKING GIRLFRIEND! I'VE KNOWN HER SINCE I WAS 5-LET HER IN!" she picked up a pitcher of water on the table and flung it towards him, but luckily, he ducked in time.

"O-Oh, my apologies! Please, come right in!" He blinked rapidly, taking a deep breath as he quickly made his way over to the brunette, Amy following after.

"Okay, Karma-I'm Dr. Sherwood, I'm going to be delivering your baby today-your parents will be here soon, they called in said they're stuck in traffic but they are coming. We're going to get you in bed and prep you for the delivery-don't worry, I've been doing this for over 20 years. Let me ask you, how far apart are your contractions?"

She tried to steady her breathing, gripping Amy's wrist so hard that it turned white-but she tried not to complain; her girlfriend was the one who was about to have to push a human out of her, after all. "A-About 5 minutes," she breathed out, struggling to talk.

About 3 more nurses rushed in, all working to pick Karma up and setting her on the bed and starting to prepare her for the delivery.

It was all happening so quickly, it was a very stressful and scary, to be honest. What if something happened? What if Karma or the baby didn't make it...?

'Don't think like that, this isn't the time, just be there for your girlfriend and the baby...our baby.' She felt a million butterflies in her stomach; it was real-the baby was coming, and their lives would never be the same.


(10 hours later)

"IT'S A BOY!" Dr. Sherwood exclaimed, pulling the screaming infant out of Karma and smiling. He handed the baby to the nurses to get him cleaned up, and Karma groaned, throwing her head back on the pillow. Tears were falling from her eyes as she breathed heavily.

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