Chapter 1

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Will started walking towards his first period Spanish class.

"At McKinley High, we have an amazing staff along with caring students." Figgins explained to new coming parents as they were taking a tour of the school. When they turned the corner they were greeted by Karofsky shoving Kurt into a locker. Great first impression.

Noticing all of this, Will just continued walking to his first period Spanish class.

"Hello Dad." Rachel interrupted standing in front of him. "I just had a great idea for glee club. We could do a Célion Dion number featuring me."

"Thanks Rachel, but we are doing Santana's song."

"The song with her and the unicorn? Dad that song will not help us win sectionals." Rachel explained to her clearly delusional dad.

"Yes, the song with her and Brittany, now I have to go."

Rachel did a angry turn to see Sue approaching them, before Sue could say anything to Rachel, Rachel ran away leaving the two of them to battle it out.

"Hey butt chin," Sue spat as she approached them. Rachel looked up at her and then slowly ran away. "So your daughter was making fun of my sweet sweet Brittany.  I think you might want to have a chat with your big nosed hobbit about how to keep her mouth shut. Unless you want me to unleash some of my hounds out on her because I would be more than happy to do that."

"Sue..Stop." Will threatened.

"You would like that wouldn't you Sponge Hair Square Chin. But no one messes with my family." Sue stormed off and then threw some students into the lockers of the school.

Will put his hands to his head and then rushed over to his first class.

He looked at his class and noticed all the Sylvester's there...but he just ignored it and continued the lesson.

"Pop Quiz!" He announced holding up stacks of paper. The class groaned when he started handing out the pages.

"But Dad!" Finn moaned giving Will the hairy eyeball.

"Finn, enough." Will ordered. Finn slumped down in his chair as he got his test.


Halfway through the period Will heard a laugh from the back of the classroom. Finn, Quinn Sylvester, and Brittany Sylvester were all in a huddle laughing and scribbling on each others quizzes.

"Quinn? Is there something wrong?" Will asked from his desk.

"I wanted you to know that your son is fat." Quinn laughed. Finn shot her a glare. "What? That's what my mom said."

"Yeah, she totally said that." Brittany added.

"Quinn!" Artie squeaked. "Shut up! Do you want to be caned again?" Quinn sat up and threw a piece of paper at her disabled brother. Then turned back around and checked her answers.


That night at the Schuester household....There was trouble.

The room situation in that house wasn't ideal. Finn got a somewhat large room, Blaine got a room a little larger than a walk in closet, but he was almost never around since he goes to Dalton, and Rachel and Santana share a room...

"What do you mean you joined the Cheerios!" Rachel screamed at Santana. "I thought you were a Schuester!"

"I just wanted some more time away from YOU!" Santana replied harshly. "How come you weren't this angry when Finn joined the football team?"

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