Chapter 71

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Hey guys!! I'm back, so I'm gonna have one more chapter and this is the last chapter ever, so I ended the last chapter with "my daughter" will says.

Everyone looked at will wide eyed, Emma was pissed. "That's not my kid" Emma said crossing her arms.

"I know" will replied looking down. "That's robin, she's 10"

Robin waved and smiled. "If it's not Emma's then who's is it?"

"It's... I can't say" signed will embarrassed, that she came back.

"It's not Terris is it?" Emma asks glaring.

"No it's not" will sighed, everyone was too shock to even say something.

"If it's not hers? Then who's is it?" Asks Santana crossing her arms.

"Wait, why did robin come with sue?" Kitty asks turning to sue crossing her arms.

"She needed a ride" sue says quickly, robin rolled her eyes.

"Yeah that's suspious, and that's coming from me" laughs puck.

"Okay guys stop" will said getting annoyed.

"Who told us to be true to ourselves, and the people around us?" Asks Artie wheeling up to will.

"Idk? Holly Emma?" Will shrugs.

"No, you" Beth says crossing her arms. "Now a truthful, who's the mom?"

"Sue" yells will angry. "Sues the mom"

Everyone's faces went blank, Emma nearly pulled and most of them were grossed out.

"Eww" they all said.

"How?" Asks Tina looking at them. "I mean you guys are old"

"Well it was 10 years ago" sue said coughing. "And it was a mistake to will but not to me"

"How did it happen?" Asks Daniel looking up smiling.

"Well, will was drunk at a bar, one night I wants kids, and so I took granted on will being drunk and had sex with him" shrugs sue.

"That's crazy" Finn said laughing. "How come you never told us?"

"I just found out two years ago" will glared at sue then looked back at them.

"Oh wow" laughs Rachel shaking her head.

"You know what?" Blaine says sitting down setting Kurt on his lap.

"What" asks Kurt leaning on him.

"This is the weirdest reunion ever" laughed Blaine. "We should sing"

And music started and they began to sing.

//the next day//

Finn walked downstairs, looking around, everything looked so different and although he loved hiding it got boring.

"Hey Finn" Blaine smiled getting coffee out sighing. "Where you gonna go?"

"What do you mean?" Finn asks sipping his coffee but coughs. Eww coffees gross"

Blaine laughed shaking his head. "I mean like where are you gonna settle down?" Asks Blaine sipping his coffee.

"Oh well I'll probley stay here, maybe help with glee club" Finn shrugged. "How about you?"

"Well I think Me Kurt and the kids are going to New York?" Blaine smiled happily.

"Oh that's awesome" Finn replies. "So... How's marriage life?"

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