Chapter 53

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"What?" Santana said standing up. "What the hell do you want?"

"We want to make everything better, to say sorry" Pam said walking up to them.

"You can't change the past, why the fuck did you leave us?" Yelled Santana angry. "Alls I know is your not touching or Blaine"

"Your being ridiculous" Paul said. "Come on Pam let's leave" they began walking away.

"Don't come back" Santana yelled just as the doctor came.

"Any news on blaine" asked Emma standing up wiping her eyes.

"He's awake, he's got bruises, cuts, one broken wrist black eye and he can't talk as his lips are swollen" the doctor replied.

"Can we see him?" Asked Emma impatiently.

"Yeah of coarse it's there" the doctor said and pointed.

They all went into there and began talking while Blaine wrote.

It was a week late and Blaine woke up still laying in the hospital.

It gets lonely and boring, here at times Kurt would visit just like today.

Today was the day Blaine finally got to leave and hopefully talk.

He was hoping he could start talking.

Kurt walked in with his smiling face, he sat down. "Let's see if you can talk? Say something?" Kurt said looking at Blaine.

"I'm In love with you" Blaine said smiling looking straight at Kurt.

I know this is really short and I'm so sorry about that. But I've had a really busy week I promise I'll try and make it up to you tomorrow... I left you with a cliffhanger! 🙈

Blaine Anderson💞

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