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Do you ever get the feeling that your life is getting to the point where it is boring? Like everything you do is pointless, or like a specific movie scene that just keeps replaying over and over again? Doing the same exact routine everyday, seven days a week, that you don't even realize that you are doing it. You are just kind of doing it.

Yeah, well that is exactly my life right now. I'm 16 years old for Pete's sake! I should be doing dumb teenage girl things that make my insides turn into a smoothie, things that make my adrenaline rush and course through my veins and hope to god that I won't get caught.

Things that force me to sneak around my parents and take risks. But, nope. I am busier than a bee with my high school life, preparing myself for college, and then the real world. I have no time for fun teenage rebellion things.

I have to make sure I have a good education and a successful career that will last a lifetime. So that I don't end up being broke and sorry because I spent my teenage years partying. Nope, just can't do it. Being in the eleventh grade its hard work, man.

I have to make sure my grades and my grade point average are as high as I can manage, and I have to make sure that I have all the credits I need, plus a few for padding. Just to ensure that I am doing good.

My parents don't exactly buckle down on me though. They expect a lot, but it is really I, who beats myself up over this kind of stuff. The fear of having a terrible, no good life is enough to make me lose it.

I see bums on the side of the road and I really do not want to end up like them. So, I make sure that I do everything, and anything, humanely possible to ensure myself that it will not happen to me, EVER. I am just crazy like that I guess.

I make sure that my resume is filled with good, extracurricular activities that good colleges look for. I have an extra History class ( as an elective, not for an intensive reason. I love history, and social studies! ), and I am a co-captain on the varsity cheerleading squad.

I also am a member of the National Honor Society, the Choir, and I am a competitive dancer for our local dance company. So, you can say I have a tight and strict schedule to maintain. I know it sounds like a lot to handle, but I manage very well.

And, I also sound like a social butterfly but I really am not. I have one best friend and the other people are just classmates that I converse with, and it isn't even that much because I usually have my nose inside some SCI-FI romance novel.

I don't really watch television, I don't really have the time for a lot of television series, but I do record Criminal Minds and watch them when I have free time. I also might have a slight addiction with Vampire, werewolf, an anything remotely close to those kinds of movies.

Those shows include; Pretty Little Liars, Criminal Minds, CSI: Miami, and True Blood. Yeah, so I watch a lot of TV....But in my defense, they are really good shows!

But the one thing that I have really haven't had time for was a love life. I mean, I would love to get a boyfriend that I could hug and share cute kisses with. But, all the guys at my school are either pigs, or think that I am 'Unapproachable'.

Because I keep to myself most of the time. So now that I have explained all of that random bundle of what personality I have to you, I will introduce myself.

Hi there, my name is Cadence Foster, an uptight scrunch who is a tiny bit of a control freak at certain times, and here is the story of how my life changed.

All because of


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