Run And Hide

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You sit in the middle of everything, just like always. Life has never been easy for you. Even when you first met the Winchesters you already had problems of your own.


"Who the hell is she?" Dean yells at Castiel as he holds a knife to your throat in attempt to threaten you.

"That won't hurt me." You snap, causing the hunter's bright green eyes to widen. Castiel's gaze falls on you and his eyes seem to shine a little brighter as he does so.

"Dean, let her go." Cas commands. "But we don't ev-"

"I said let her go. I know her." Cas states.

The blade slowly leaves your throat and you walk towards Castiel, standing by his side.

"Y/N is an close friend of mine." Cas explains to the Winchester brothers. "She's one of the few angels I can still trust."

He suddenly turns to you and wraps you in a warm embrace. "It's good to see you again Y/N." Cas says, you can practically hear the smile in his voice.

"I've missed you too, Castiel." You say, smiling brightly at him.

"Since when were Cas' friends hot?" You hear a smirking Dean whisper to the taller brother.

"Sam Winchester." The tall one says, stepping forward and extending a hand.

"I've heard a lot about you, Sam." You say, a small smile appearing on your face.

"You're supposed to shake it." Castiel says from behind you. You awkwardly take Sam's hand and hold it for a good thirty seconds before finally letting it go.

"Why are you here?" Dean asks, he sounds agitated.

"I came here to help." You answer, turning to Castiel, silently pleading for him to back you up on your statement.

"Why would we need your help?" Dean sneers, glaring at you.

"She's a friend not a foe. Leave her alone." Castiel says sternly, glaring at the eldest Winchester.

|End of flashback|

Yet another tear slips down your face, but you quickly wipe it away and swallow hard. Where is Castiel now? You tried searching for him, but you couldn't find him anywhere. For all you know, he could be dead.

"Having trouble?" You ignore the voice, praying that he'll leave you alone.

"Darling, why won't you speak to me?"


That spineless, soulless, son of a bitch.

"Fuck off."

You picked up a few choice words from the Winchesters over the years you spent with them, but you decided to save those words for when you are seriously pissed off. And now, you feel like you could level a whole friggen city.

How dare they take you away from Castiel. Do they even know a glimpse of what would happen when he finds out your location? How your capturers would be dead in mere moments?

"Sweetheart, try being nice every now and then, it might get you somewhere." Lucifer says, you can hear that stupid smirk in his tone of voice.

"Where's Castiel?" You demand, taking only the truth for an answer.

"Dead." He states simply, implying no sort of sympathy or remorse, because after all, he is the devil.

Lucifer starts to walk in circles around you, glancing at your expression every chance he gets. Savoring the brokenness displayed on your face. You feel as if you're frozen in place by the initial shock of the news, but you soon realize that it could all be a trick, an illusion to make you spill the beans.

"Liar." You spit, snapping your head up and staring Lucifer down.

A steady clap echoes in the room as Lucifer approaches you with a sickening grin plastered on his face. "You're getting good at this game Y/N."

"It's not a game, Lucifer. These are real people we're talking about." You say, glaring at him.

"Exactly! People. Those awful hairless apes. You know that they're going to have to die sometime." Lucifer says, walking even closer to you.

Lucifer's now mere inches away from you. You shift uncomfortably in your chair, not liking the lack of space between your bodies.

"What's wrong, princess?" Lucifer sneers, his warm breath tickling your neck as he speaks, sending goosebumps throughout your whole body.

"Not enjoying our time alone?"

He carefully grabs your chin and guides it so you are forced to look at him. Your noses are practically touching at this point and he doesn't show any sign of stopping now.

Just as Lucifer leans in even closer to you, you build up the courage to spit in his face.

"Get your grimy hands off me you foul swine." You snap, causing him to back away for a moment.
He slowly brings his sleeve to his face to wipe off your saliva before a sly smirk forms on his lips.

"That took some guts doll, but may I remind you that we are indeed the same species." Lucifer says with a sickening grin.

"You disgust me." You mutter under your breath.

"Do I now?" He quips, yet again invading your space as he walks closer to you.

You suck in your breath as he corners you, placing a hand on either side of the chair.

"Shall we test that theory?" Lucifer says, his voice barely above a whisper.

Slowly, he slides a hand to your face. You glare at him, flicking on your angel eyes in attempt to intimidate him, but before you even have time to react, Lucifer swoops down and crashes his lips to yours, pulling your face towards his in the process.

You hurriedly try to pull away, but to no avail. Instead, you invite him to come closer so that you can knee him in the baby-maker. Lucifer immediately stumbles backwards in pain as your plan goes into effect.

Lucifer quickly recovers, a low chuckle escaping his mouth as he walks to you again.

"You can't get rid of me that easily, princess." He says, eyes darkening as he raises an angel blade into the air.

"You better be praying for your angel boy to come and save you, because I'm done playing good cop."

A/N: Follow my tumblr (imaginefandomsblog) for shorter imagine posts and extra fun stuff!

Let me know if you see any mistakes! Hope you liked it!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2015 ⏰

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