Dean Winchester~17

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Requested by frenchie_thereader

You groan and pull the thin sheets closer to your freezing body. You had a fever, a bad one. But good thing Dean's there to take care of you.

"I'm dumping your ass in an ice bath if that fever gets any higher." Dean says seriously, grabbing the thermometer that was sitting on a nearby table. Dean pops the thermometer in your mouth and around a minute later it beeps.

"I'll help you." Dean says, giving you a hand and helping you out of the motel room's bed. You felt bad making him stay behind from the hunt. He said it was fine, that it was an easy one and Sammy could handle himself.

Once he gets you to the bathroom, he starts the bath, making sure it's ice cold. "Need help?" He asks you while your just standing there in your bra and underwear. Your tee-shirt and shorts laying on the bathroom counter. "I-I'll be fine." Dean nods and exits.

Around thirty minutes later you feel loads better. You get out, dry off and change into shorts and one of Dean's t-shirts that he left out for you.

He's so caring when someone he loves is hurt or in pain. It's like nothing else matters to him until it's fixed.

Dean finds you laying in bed and brings in a bowl of soup for you. "Thanks." You mummer, and start eating. "I see your feeling better." He comments, laying beside you in bed.

"Yeah that helped a lot."

A few minutes later you finish your soup and feel really tired. You snuggle into Dean and he wraps his arms around you protectively.

You two just lay there in each other's arms. Sooner or later you doze off, your head resting on Dean's chest.

Dean smiles to himself. He always thought you looked so beautiful and peaceful when you were asleep. Like you didn't have a single worry in the world.

He always known how to make you feel better. No matter what it was. From fevers to period cramps. To cheering you up when you were feeling down. Everything could get better when Dean Winchester was involved.

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