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You stare off into the distance, trying to ignore Team Free Will arguing about you. Your eyebrows are furrowed and a confused expression is present on your face. Of course you are listening in on their little chat.

"She's bad news Cas, can you even begin to imagine the damage she can do?! She's a half angel half demon!!" Dean says, you can imagine him standing there with an extremely serious expression on his face. "She's more powerful than either side could ever imagine Cas! We have no clue what she could do! She could betray us, Cas!" Dean whisper shouts. You instantly turn around, and grab Dean by the neck, cutting off his precious oxygen supply.

"If you think that I would ever do anything against you then you are wrong Winchester. I've already risked so much for you and you still think that I would throw it all away to betray you!" Dean is now chocking, and trying to pry your hand off his neck, but you just narrow your eyes, staring at him coldly. "You're pathetic." You spit as you drop him and he collapses on the floor, gasping for air.

"Y/N that wasn't appropriate." You hear Castiel say from behind you. You turn around, seething with rage. "You aren't my father Castiel." You say harshly. Cas seems a bit taken back by your statement. "But he's not here anymore." Castiel says, staring straight into your (e/c) eyes. You clench your jaw tightly and stare at the floor. "That still doesn't give you permission to act like you are above me." Cas, yet again is shocked by your words. "I know that you're scared. All of you. You're purely terrified of what I can and will do." You glance at the three men surrounding you.

"Just because you're a freak doesn't mean you can threaten us." Dean snaps, putting extra emphasize on the word freak. "I AM NOT A FREAK!" You shout. The room is now shaking and a crack runs up the wall, splitting it. Things are now suspended in the air, floating around the room. You step towards Dean, your vivid (e/c) eyes are shining brighter than ever. The room shakes violently, and Sam grabs onto the wall to steady himself. You still walk towards a frightened Dean Winchester, he backs up with every step you take until he hits the wall. You approach him and just as you are about to grab him: "Y/N STOP!" You hear Castiel yell.

Instantly everything stops, things fall to the floor with multiple loud clatters. Sam lets out a long breath as he stands upright again. You turn around and are face to face with Cas. "I'm not a freak." You choke out, balancing on the edge of fury and a emotional breakdown. "I know you aren't." You reach for Cas' hand and hold it tightly. "Why don't you trust me then?" You can almost see the heartbreak in Castiel's eyes. It looked as if somebody had just killed a small kitten right in front of him. "But I do." He says, his now shaky voice makes you shiver with discomfort. You feel his grip on your hand become tighter. "I wish I could believe that." You choke out as you try to push back tears. You've know Cas for at least two years now. It has been a rough road ever since you met him. Now it just seems like the world is crumbling down on top of you, and just as you are trying to crawl out of the rubble something else gets dumped on top of you.

Castiel instantly pulls you in a tight hug when he hears you say this. "Don't hurt me like this Y/N. You're tearing me apart." He says, holding onto you like his life depends on it.

"Then prove it. Prove that you believe in me, that you care." You choke out, tears slip down your face and you curse silently. "Haven't I proved enough already? I think that the problem is you don't trust me." Now it's your turn to feel the heartbreak. Of course you trust Castiel. Why would he think any different? "I trust you Cas." You squeak out, your voice cracking in the process. Cas pulls apart from the hug to stare into your eyes. "I do care, never ever think otherwise. Because Y/N, I love you, no matter what." You are shocked by his words, but even more shocked when the angel attaches his soft lips to yours. "I love you too Cas, no matter what."

Sorry I haven't been updating as often I've been really busy with school lately!

Let me know if you liked it!!

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