Grace- Part 1

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Your love was so misunderstood. Twisted in every single way. People thought wrong about your relationship with your angel, Castiel.

People thought everything was always okay. That you never fought. Yeah right. You two fought frequently. Each time the fight becoming more and more intense.

The scene of your most recent fight wasn't pretty. The room's walls were literally burnt. There was shattered glass everywhere. And not to mention the table was split right through the middle because you had slammed your hand down on it in frustration.

You and Castiel were a mixture for a bomb. It was only a matter of time before you explode.

Your love life wasn't perfect it was cold and broken. The kind of broken that you don't even attempt to fix.

Then, something horrible happened.

After a big fight you left, you disappeared without a trace. Castiel couldn't even track you.

Castiel started to freak out. Freak out meaning sitting curled up, clutching your favorite jacket, crying.

He didn't know what to do. You were missing. Gone off the face of the earth. That's when it came to him. Maybe you weren't on earth.

The very though sickened him. They would never do that. They wouldn't harm one of their own again. Would they?

He didn't want to think about it. He just wanted you back. It wasn't like you've been gone for a few hours, it had been weeks. Countless days without you in his life. It was unbearable.

While Castiel was trying desperately to find you, you were suffering from a little thing called torture. The angels weren't forgiving, you had disobeyed and the punishment for that should be much worse than what you're getting now.

Castiel was praying to you, trying anything to get you back. You could not hear his prayers anymore, and you didn't know why. You couldn't hear his begging and pleading for your presence.

You were 'relocated' as the angels prefer to call it. Meaning you were completely ripped from Castiel's life and stuck somewhere else.

Somewhere else to be tortured more. They gave you to the demons, they gave you up to hell. Where they sliced, carved, stabbed, slit, punctured, cut and more. Endless hours of your insides being torn out of your body, only to have them do it all again the next day. This was worse then death.

"Ready for your fix darlin'?" A demon struts in, selecting a knife and twirling it. This is the beginning of your fourth year in hell. "Ready for yours?" A voice from out of nowhere responds. Suddenly a hand is fitted to the demon's head and a bright light shines, a loud thud follows then footsteps near you.

You look around the room, now scared. But angels aren't supposed to fear anything, you have to stay strong. But what if the angels where going to take you again? It would be worse there.

Your vision was blurring. Strong arms pick you up and suddenly your on a soft bed. You feel like you could let go and leave. Die. You could die.

"I can't see your wings Y/N."


Part two coming soon!

I'm soo sorry if this is crap.....

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