Choices Part 1

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For no apparent reason, you were taking a road-trip with your hunting buddies, the Winchesters. This road-trip wasn't for a hunt, it was just for fun. You had been hunting with the Winchesters for around a year now, and it really wasn't that bad. But guess who decided to pop in during your eleven hour drive. Two very special angels. One named Castiel and the other named Gabriel. Castiel, you didn't mind being there, in fact you expected him to come.

But Gabriel was purely annoying, he wouldn't stop flirting with you, and he just aggravated you. But Gabriel really does like you, he never felt this way towards anybody he's met before. He wanted to have a true relationship with you. He wanted to play nerf darts with you, to share his candy with you, to snuggle up and watch a movie together while throwing popcorn at each other. You just didn't know that, but secretly you did enjoy Gabriel's company. You did like him. He just didn't know that.

What Gabriel also didn't know was that a certain Dean Winchester really likes you. Like really really likes you. Like he wants to have a serious relationship with you, one where you would plan your life out with each other. Also he wanted to be able to have cute couple moments. Secretly Dean thought those 'chick fick moments' were really cute. Dean wanted to take you to dinner, to movies, do normal couple things. But there was never going to be time to do normal couple things and Dean knew that. But I guess decapitating a vampire to save your girlfriend could be romantic in a sick, twisted way. But you are hunters, so that would probably be the most romantic thing he could muster up on such short notice. You also like Dean Winchester as well, tough choice when you didn't even know that both men like you back.

For the last half hour of the drive Gabriel would not stop poking you. *poke* "Gabe please knock it off." You mutter while trying to fall asleep on the archangel's shoulder. *poke poke* "I will punch you." You warned. Finally he stopped for a few minutes until. *poke poke poke poke poke* "GABRIEL STOP!" You half yell. He just chuckles and wraps an arm around you. You shiver slightly at the archangel's movements. You catch a weary Dean's glare in the review mirror. Boy was Dean jealous, and at that moment he realized just how much he needed you to be with him, to be in his arms instead of Gabriel's.

It was around three A.M. when you finally arrived at the motel. Gabriel insisted on staying to 'watch over us'. But Dean denied, saying that that is Cas' job. So Gabriel just shrugs his shoulders and zaps out. But not before pulling you towards him and taking you with him. Dean and Sam just stand there shocked for a good thirty seconds. Until Dean snaps out of it and starts yelling and freaking out. "That little shit! We have to find her and get her back before that ass hurts her. And if he hurts her I'll-." "Dean, calm down, we can find her. She'll be fine I promise." Sam says, trying to comfort his pacing brother. "I can track him." Castiel suggests. "Then I will zap us there. But if he has any tricks I advise that you two get some rest." Cas says, gesturing to the motel room. "We can't wait until the morning...what if...what if he hurts her?!" Dean yells frantically. "He won't. Dean she is okay." Sam says emphasizing every word.

<<time skip to the morning...well later that morning>>

You were literally eating a lollipop that Gabriel had got you. After zapping you to his place for time being he suggested playing some games. You agreed and he simply tapped your shoulder, yelling "TAG!" Then running out of the kitchen. During a later round of tag Gabriel had run into the corner of a table and literally fell on the ground rolling around proclaiming that he had been shot. You ran into the room and immediately started to laugh at the archangel.

You make your way over to him, running into the table yourself. "Holy..." You say falling down next to Gabriel. That table surprisingly really hurt. You and Gabriel start laughing so hard that you two are crying. You two just lay on the ground until you calm down. Gabriel interlocks his fingers with yours and smiles like a fool. He then helps you stand up. He just smiles at you then inches closer to you and leans in until his face is centimeters away from yours. "I like you, a lot." He whispers, staring into your eyes. "I like you a lot too." You say smiling. At that Gabriel presses his lips to your lightly. But that was at four this morning. And now the boys knew where you two were and were about to pop in.

"Hey Gabe do you have any (favorite flavor) lollipops?" You ask with an innocent smile. You two were sitting on the couch watching Disney movies. "Umm no," Gabriel says taking his sucker out of his mouth, and snapping. "But I do now." He says gesturing to a bucket filled with your favorite flavor of suckers sitting a few feet away from the couch. "Sweet!" You say reaching for one. You are halfway over the couch and about to fall off, Gabriel grabs onto your shirt just in case. But you still fall, causing Gabe to land on top of you. "Ouch." You whimper. And at the worst possible moment the boys zap in, all staring at the scene in front of them. Cas is standing with his head tilted to the side in confusion. Sam just facepalms. And Dean looks like he's about to kill someone. "It's not what it looks like." Gabriel says with a smirk. This was not going to end well.

I'm going to do a part two to this!! It will be up very soon! I really want to hear what you think about these or any suggestions for what to write!! Hope you enjoyed!

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