Sam Winchester~2

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"I'll protect you!!" You hear Dean yell.
"SAM STOP!!" You yell, struggling to get away from his grasp. "NEVER!" Sam yells, just tickling you more. "DEAN HELP ME!!" You shout, and look pleadingly over at Dean, before you erupt with laughter.

"Sam there's no need for violence!" You yell in between bursts of laughter, and trying to get away from him. "I think it's hilarious that you think it's violence." He says smiling down at you. He tickles you some more, causing you to laugh so hard your crying. "SAM WINCHESTER!" You yell, squirming away from his touch.

You bolt behind Dean, who was just standing there watching the torture. "Dean, protect me." You whisper to him, grabbing his shoulders from behind him. Sam jumps at you and you run outside. "Sam!!! You touch me and I'll punch you in the face!" You yell as you run from him.

Of course he catches up with you, grabbing your arm and pulling you into him. "What if I do this." He presses his soft lips to yours. "Well, that's an exception." You say smiling at him. He pulls you in to kiss you again. You two walk back into the motel room, hand in hand. "Movie?" Sam asks. "As long as you promise not to tickle me again." Sam chuckles. "Promise." You guys watch two or three movies, which Dean joins you in watching. "I love you so much Y/N." Sam says kissing your cheek. "I love you too Sam."

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