Dean Winchester~2

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You were hanging out with Dean, which was quite unusual since you both would be working on a case. You two were laying on the hood of the Impala, holding hands and gazing at the bright stars overhead. He was silent, savoring this moment spent with you, but clearly something was on his mind. You and Dean had been together for quite a while now, and you thought that he was just joking when he hinted at marriage the other day, but now you weren't so sure.

"Y/N you know how much I love you right?" Dean says grabbing your hand a bit tighter. "And that I would never let anything hurt you."

You laugh lightly.

"Sorry to ruin the moment Dean, but that's happened before." You say and laugh again. He turns his head to face you, you just giggle more at his expression of mock hurt.

"Well I didn't let that bastard leave alive, did I?" He says smiling brightly at you.

"No, and that's one reason why I love you Dean Winchester." You then lean in and kiss him softly.

"Let's get married." Dean says in between the kisses. Suddenly, you're pulled away from him. Dean jumps off the hood of the Impala, you just vanished. What's happening?

"Dean, I've already been asked." Dean whips his head around to see you standing with Sam, his arm is snaked around your waist. You hold up your left hand and show Dean the ring.

"No, no this-this isn't happening. This isn't real!" He yells.

Dean POV

I wake up with a jolt, sitting straight up in the motel room's bed. My shirt is soaked in cold sweat. I peel it off and toss it somewhere in the room. What the hell was that? Stupid nightmares. I hear a gasp for air from across the room.

"Dean! Dean!"
I hear my name being called.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" I call out into the darkness of the room, trying not to wake up Sam as well.

"Yeah. Just had a nightmare. Sorry if I woke you up." Her calming voice seems to ease my worries. "Hey can I lay with you, I'm a bit freaked out." She asks.

"Yeah." I respond, and feel her slip under the covers. "What was the dream about?" I ask, wrapping my arm around her, trying to comfort her.

"It was weird, we were laying on the hood of the Impala, you asked me to marry you, but Sam grabbed me and I said I was marrying him instead. Like I said, weird." I can see her gaze shift over to a sleeping Sammy.

"Weird...I had the same dream." I say slowly, staring at Sam warily. "Y/N?" I ask after a minute of silence.
"Yeah Dean."

"You- I-I."

"You what Dean?" She says patiently, her voice calming me.

"I love you Y/N, I always have." I say holding her closer to me.

"Dean...I love you too." She says grabbing my arms, and leaning her head against my chest.

"Dean!" I hear my name being called, I open my eyes, and groan, it was around 5 A.M.

"Y/N! What is it?" I ask sitting up in the bed.

"We got a case." Sam says stating at me strangely.

Y/N walks up beside Sam, and he wraps an arm around her. He kisses her forehead, and smiles down at me. It was all just a dream, like usual. Y/N is with Sam, and I can't change that no matter how hard I try.

"Y/N got some breakfast." Sam says snapping me out of my thoughts.

"If breakfast means donuts from the gas station and some milk, then yes I did." You say smiling. "We should be on the road soon." I say trying to stop all the feeding each other food crap.

Y/N turns towards me, and I see into her beautiful eyes.

"Dean...can I drive?" She asks putting on her best puppy-dog face. "Ummm..."

I'm reluctant to answer. 1: I don't want her to wreck 'Baby' because she's a horrible driver. And 2: I would rather not witness endless chick flick moments in the car while I'm driving, I can't concentrate.

"How about Sammy boy drives." I tell her patting Sam on the back.

Soon enough we're on the road again. Y/N won't shut up about Sam. She just keeps wrapping her arms around him from the backseat, whispering in his ear. It wants to make me throw up.


"Y/N where are you?" I suddenly see her pop her head into the room.

"Yeah Princess?"

"Don't call me that."

"Aww what's wrong Deano." She walks up to me, and sits down on the bed next to me, leaning her head against my chest.

"Just a few nightmares."

"Well good thing I'm here to make it all better." She presses her lips to mine lightly. "Your fine when I'm with you." She whispers in my ear. I wrap my arms around her and just hold her close to me.

"I love you so much, more than you even know."

"I love you too Dean."

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