Sam Winchester~13

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Yesterday. What a simple word. Yet it meant so much to Sam Winchester. Yesterday his life was completely different, happier, brighter. Now it was just the opposite.

Yesterday was a brand new day. Today was already faltered beyond belief. Today was death and ruin.

Yesterday you were alive and well. Smiling and laughing, and hanging on your boyfriend. But your limp body is laying in Sam's arms while he cries over you.

"Y/N, please come back to me." Sam prays. He prays to you. As if somehow, someway you could still hear him pray to you.

"I need you." The salty tears from his face fall onto your body. Leaving wet tear marks on your bloody clothes.

Yesterday you still could tell him you loved him. Today you couldn't. You couldn't say a single word to Sam.

And he mourned you, he wouldn't stop crying. Dean had to pull his weeping form off your dead vessel's body.

Dean stood there, trying to comfort Sam while he stared with curiosity at the ground around you. He pondered what it meant.

Sam didn't know that tomorrow would be different.

That your burnt out wings, they weren't on the cold floor. That that would mean something. Hope maybe.


He hoped that tomorrow would bring a new life. That tomorrow would change this living hell he was currently facing.

He couldn't bear the pain of you being gone. You died for him, and that made him feel guilty. You died protecting him.

That of course would be true if you died.

The next day, Sam woke up and laid in bed. Not wanting to move a single muscle. There was no point in living anymore. He didn't want to do anything if you weren't by his side.

"Sam come look at this." Dean called, and dragged Sam out of bed when he didn't answer. "Check this out. Witnesses reported a massive explosion late last night, right where Y/N died." Sam winced when Dean mentioned you. "No traces of explosives were found. Also to add to it, some people called their electricians complaining that their lights kept flickering."

Sam just stared at the computer screen. Could it be? "Let's check it out."

That night they drove to the site of your death. Dean had to nudge Sam a few times before he started walking.

They enter the building and search it, but they didn't find a thing.

Suddenly the lights flickered and exploded, causing sparks to fly.

Sam slowly looks up at the entrance to see you walking in with confidence in your stride.

"Impossible." Sam mutters, staring at you in disbelief.

As you walk closer to him, Sam realizes that it's truly you. The real you, alive and well.

Sam runs up to you and captures you in a bone-crushing hug, lifting you off the ground and into the air.

You smile when he gently sets you back down, pressing his lips to yours. You can feel his worries wash away, and see his face light up with joy.

"I missed you so much." Sam's voice cracks as he embraces you again.

"I heard your prayers." You inform him. That was it for Dean, that broke the levee. Tears escape the eldest Winchester's eyes as he watches his brother get reunited with his love.

He was happy again and so were you. Everything was set right in that moment. Like it was all okay, just for that one second. It was like it used to be, it was like the past. Perfect.

Maybe yesterday is not always the best, but there is always hope for tomorrow.

19k what?! Thanks a ton!!!!!

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