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Your eyes flutter open. You gaze around at the unfamiliar room you are in. A pure white room with a metal sliding door is what you see.

The last thing you remember is Dean running towards you as you fell to the ground, injured during a hunt.

Suddenly a man appears in the stark white room. Your gaze on him is wary. Why is he here? Were you snatched? What happened? "What the hell is going on?" You ask sassily, only trying to hide your nervousness. "More like heaven." The man replies, smirking. Heaven? Are you dead? You couldn't have died. If you weren't dead, then why are you here? "You are not dead. You have been chosen." The man says, reading your thoughts.

"Chosen for what?!" You snap. This can't be good, you have to get back to Sam, Dean and Castiel. Castiel! Maybe he could help. "He won't answer your prayers, he's too busy fighting." The man says. You are shocked, what are you supposed to do now? "Answer my question!" You half yell, the situation now intense.

"You are to become an angel. One of us. We are to follow you. You are going to be our leader. We are s-" "This is madness!" You yell cutting the 'angel' off. "I can't lead anyone! It's not going to happen! Find someone else! What do you even see in me? I mean I'm a hunter, I'd kill your kind if I had to." You say with a deep breath. "You mean our kind Miss Y/N."

Realization hits you. Your senses are heightened, you feel considerably stronger. You feel as if gold is pumping itself through your veins. The angel smirks again as you understand what they did to you. "You're lying." The angel puts two fingers to your forehead and you feel the world darken as you slip into unconscious.

•••••••time skip•••••••

Sam and Dean have been searching for you for four days now. You were right there! After the hunt they brought you back to the motel room, they left for a minute to get the medical kit from the Impala, but when they came back you had vanished. There are no traces of you anywhere on the whole freaking Earth. It's like you had just disappeared, they are starting to think you're dead.

Castiel even has tried tracking you, but the result was nothing. "Did you check the GPS on her phone?" Dean asks Sam, while he looks through a list of possible places that you could be. "Only for the 50th time today." Sam replies from behind his laptop. There is a sudden knock on the door of the crappy motel room. Dean opens the door slightly, peering out of the crack at the person who bothered them.

"Y/N!" He shouts, flinging the door wide open, and enveloping you in a tight hug. "I thought you were dead." He says, pulling away and composing himself. Sam looks up from his screen and into your cold eyes. "What's wrong?" Dean asks seriously, looking at you strangely.

Dean receives a glare from you. He reaches for an open canteen filled with holy water sitting on the nearby table. He tosses the bottle's contents at you, only to have you glare even more. You shove Dean and send him flying into the wall on the motel room. Dean slumps over, unconscious when his body comes in contact with the wall.

Sam jumps up in alert, you stride over to Sam and whip out your knife and start slashing at him. Sam avoids getting sliced up, and hurriedly grabs a knife from under Dean's pillow.
"Y/N!!" You hear your name be shouted, and you snap your head around.

Castiel stands in the doorway, an angel blade gripped tightly in his hand. You shoot Cas an intimidating glance before charging towards the angel. "Listen to me. I don't want to hurt you. Let me fix you. I know your in there! Fight it!" Castiel shouts. You had been told to kill Sam and Dean Winchester, and whomever got in your way. That's what you were told, orders.

You weren't yourself anymore. The angel had tampered with your mind, changing reality. They practically erased all of you common sense and filled it with an obedient soldier's
knowledge. You are trying to fight it, really trying, but it only makes it worse. "C-Cas." The real you makes out. "Come on Y/N!" Cas encourages, but 'you' get closer to the angel and start to fight with him. You have thrown him into the wall, you walk up to him to finish the deed.

You crouch down to his level and stare at his blue eyes. Suddenly the angel leans forward and pulls your lips to meet his. The real you gives in, kissing Castiel back. You feel a sharp pain in your stomach, you pull away from Castiel. Castiel and you both stare at the angel blade impaling your body. You look back up at Cas with betrayal in your eyes, before falling back onto the ground, unconscious.

"That was not necessary." Castiel says while he heals you and Dean. "She could've killed us." Sam counters, raising his eyebrows. "You could've killed her." Cas replies. A few hours later you are awake, and back to your normal self again. Well normal minus the whole your an angel now thing. "I'm glad that we fixed this problem." Castiel brushes some hair behind your ear.

Why was he acting so strange around you lately? "Cas? What's wrong?" You ask, grabbing his hand. He squeezes your hand and takes a deep breath. "I have feelings for you, Y/N. I like you, a lot." Cas says, shifting nervously. You were frozen in shock. You had always had a soft spot for the angel. You just didn't know that he likes you as well. "I like you a lot too Cas."

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