Dean Winchester~19

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Cas suddenly appears in the motel room, alarming both of the Winchester brothers. Castiel holds your unconscious frame closer to his body in a comforting and protective manner.

A drop of blood trickles down your face. Your limp body displays countless bruises, gashes, and injuries. Including one pretty beat up femur. It punctures through your skin, showing the clean break in the bone.

The brothers just stand there, too shocked to speak. Until Dean finally decides to pipe up. "I thought you said you'd protect her!"

"People lie." Castiel says coldly, staring at Dean. "But you're an angel." Sam states, rushing over to you to help you.

Dean beats him to it and grabs ahold of you. "Let me take care of it." Dean commands, trying to pull you from Cas' grip.

"She's okay."

That's when Sam notices the deep stab wound in your stomach. It's dripping blood on the tile floor, making a steady tapping sound when it hits.

"Uh...Dean..." Sam trails off staring at the bloody wound. Dean follows Sam's eyes, which lead him to your fatal injury.

"What happened?" Dean asks as he forces back tears and the color drains from his freckled face.

Cas looks guilty. His expression turns to a mournful one. He looks over to your limp vessel with tears forming in his beautiful blue eyes.

"She was attacked and I couldn't do anything about it."

"That's a pretty fucking stupid excuse Cas! She's dead now!" Dean yells, storming over to a table and flipping it over. He curses and runs a hand through his hair, pulling at it roughly. This was way worse than he thought. He never thought that you would actually be dead!

"She's dead now..." Dean mummers, pacing around the room. He keeps repeating the phrase as if trying to convince himself that it isn't real, that your dead vessel isn't still firmly encased in Castiel's tight grip, lifeless.

"She's not dead Dean, I can still feel her presence." Castiel explains with some strain shining through in his voice as he tries to calm Dean.

"Still feel her?! CAS SHE WAS AN ANGEL!!!" Dean screams at him knocking some stuff off a nearby coffee table and leaning against the wall, banging his fist against it.

Dean feels like yelling, like letting it all out in one twisted scream. He wanted you back. It hurts him just to think about you at the moment.

"It's your fault she's dead." Dean mutters, turning and giving Cas a death glare. Hatred boils from within Dean.

"Dean, he didn't do anythi-"

"Shut it Sammy."

"You're right, it is all my fault." Cas' eyes grow wider and he looks like he just got hit by a bus. He's blaming himself for your death. He couldn't have done anything in his power to stop it, so now he takes full and complete credit.

"You can still feel her?" Dean breaks the silence, staring at Cas, who is still holding your vessel tightly. Castiel nods slightly. "Heal her then damnit!!" Dean shouts loudly, disrupting the mournful silence that filled the room only a few moments earlier.

Castiel carries you over to one of the beds and places his large hands on your wound. A strange glow emits from your vessel's skin in that area. "Y/N, can you hear me?" Cas whispers in your ear as he continues to heal you.

"She can't be dead." Dean states from nearby. A few minutes pass and the trio starts to loose hope. Castiel rises and walks across the room.

"Cas?" Castiel hears your voice and immediately is by your side. "Y/N, I knew you wouldn't leave me." Castiel runs his hand across your cheek, you grab his hand and hold it tightly.
"Y/N!" Dean practically runs to you and embraces you gently.

"Where did Castiel go?" You ask, pulling away from Dean's hug and staring into his gorgeous green eyes instead. "He's here." Dean says, mesmerized by you (e/c) eyes. "Is he?" You half whisper as Dean leans in closer to you.

You suddenly rise and turn your back to Dean. "Castiel?" You call out, staring around the room with furrowed brows, the angel was nowhere in sight. You sigh and turn back around, only to have Cas standing mere centimeters away from you.

"Thank you Castiel." You say, a smile creeps onto Cas' face. "Consider this as payment." You are about to ask what he means when his soft lips are attached to yours.

Castiel swore he could feel Dean's harsh glare burning holes into his skull as he kisses you. Sure Dean usually didn't care what your choices are, but this, this is Cas. And Dean would rather you be kissing someone else at the moment, perhaps himself. Dean also didn't enjoy sharing, and now he was sharing all too much. You are his, and his only.

Let me know what you think!!

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