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Tears stream down your face, leaving black streaks of mascara behind. You don't actually want to do this. You hear flapping wings, but you don't dare to look up at him.

"Hey sweet cheeks." You hear Gabriel's cheery voice echo throughout the small room.

Gabriel is by your side in mere moments. You feel your bed sink down next to you and an arm being wrapped protectively around your waist, pulling you into the archangel.

"Hey there sugar." Gabriel soothes, running his hand up and down your back in a calming manner. "What's wrong?"

Finally, you build up the courage to steal a glance at him. "I don't...I can't.." You choke on your words, silently nestling your head in the crook of his neck, which only causes Gabriel to tighten his grip on you.

"You're going to be okay. It's all going to be fine Y/N." He consoles, gently combing his fingers through your hair.

Suddenly, you pull away from Gabriel and stare at the ground in attempt to avoid his gaze.

"No, I'm not going to be okay. You don't understand Gabriel, I can't stay with you anymore." His comforting expression falls and his face contorts into a pained look.

"I'm leaving you." You half whisper, trying hard not to turn back to those beautiful whiskey eyes.

Gabriel forces his head into his hands as he tugs on his own golden locks.

"What the hell." He mutters quietly as tears escape his eyes when he squeezes them shut tightly, wishing that this was all just a dream.

"I'm sorry Gabe." You try to stay strong and keep your voice from cracking, but to no avail.

There's no running back to him now.

•1 1/2 months later•

God he missed you. He missed your laugh. Your smile. Your flowing (h/c) hair in the wind. Your beautiful eyes sparkling in the sunlight. The sudden warmth you always brought to him on those cold and rainy days. Your presence. He missed every little thing about you.

Why did you ever leave him? He needed to find a way to make this work out. He simply couldn't live without you by his side. It hurt so bad. Bad enough that he wished that he could forget it all. Try as he might, he could never forget the feeling of his lips on yours preserved in a perfect memory, your last kiss.

Gabriel wanted you back. He wanted to be able to be with you once more. He wanted to fall in love with you all over again. It tears him apart that you are okay. That you are doing just fine without him in your life. He can't move on, he's tried, but nothing's worked. He can't even go to the places you used to visit with him, it causes him too much pain. He still hasn't given up on you yet, and quite frankly, he doesn't think that he ever will.

Gabriel sits on his couch, staring at a framed picture of you on his back with a sucker in your mouth and a nerf gun in your hand. Those were the golden days, before all this apocalypse bullshit started happening. He just wishes that he could turn back the clock and live in those perfect moments with you. There's a sudden knock on his apartment door. Gabriel stands slowly, setting the picture down carefully on a nearby coffee table. He feebly attempts to fix his hair and straighten his clothes before he heads towards his front door, hesitating to open it. If he was holding something he surely would've dropped it in shock.

Gabriel looks utterly horrible. His hair is a disaster, his eyes are bloodshot and puffy from crying, and his clothes are all wrinkled, despite his previous attempts at fixing them.

"Y/N." He says, tears springing to his eyes.

"Gabe." You say as a tear slips down your face.

You walk up to Gabriel and fling your arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. Gabriel lets out a strangled cry, kissing the top of your head and holding you, never wanting to let you go again.

"I missed you much Gabe." You say, your voice cracking in the process.

"You have no clue how much I missed you Y/N." Gabriel says as he grips you tighter.

"I never really knew what we had until it was gone. I'm so sorry...I made a huge mistake leaving you Gabe. Please forgive me." You plead, praying that he'll actually want you after all that has happened.

"I forgive you entirely." Gabriel says without a second thought, immediately letting you back into his life again. You swallow hard and look him in the eye.

"I have something to tell you." You stammer out, letting go of Gabriel and stepping back. He looks at you, confused.

"What is it?" Gabriel asks, concern lacing his voice.

"You might want to sit down Gabe." You suggest.

Gabriel takes your recommendation into effect as he invites you into his apartment and trudges over to a small red couch tucked in the corner of the room. You take a deep breath and let it out as Gabriel sits on the plush couch. Were you ready to tell him? It's impossible to predict how he'll react to the news. He could take it lightly, stay calm and find a solution. Or he could burst into a fiery rage and go on a murder spree. Like I said, unpredictable.

"Gabriel." You half-whisper, reaching out and taking his calloused hands in your own delicate ones. His whiskey eyes seemed to stare into your soul as seconds ticked by.

"I made a deal."

Time stands still when those poisonous words fly off your tongue. Immediately, Gabriel stands and grips onto your shoulders tightly, making you repeat the phrase again. Judging by the look in your eyes, Gabriel can see that it's not some sort of a cruel joke. Gabe just pulls you into his warm embrace, hoping that maybe he could still fix this before it's too late.

"They only gave me a few months, that's why I left you. I didn't want you to find out and try to undo the deal." you confess, burying your head into the crook of Gabe's neck.

"How much time do you have left?" Gabriel asks.

Tears slip down his face and land on your shirt, dampening it. You stay silent, fearful of how he might react.

"How much time!" He shouts, pulling away from you and pacing back and forth.

"One week."

You swear you can hear his heart breaking into millions of tiny pieces. Gabriel turns his back to you and runs a hand through his hair, pulling at it roughly.

Gabriel simply falls to his knees at your feet, clutching onto you as if his life depended on it.

"You can't leave me Y/N." Gabriel half-whispers in between strangled sobs.

"You're all I have left."

I didn't edit this one, so if you see any mistakes please let me know!

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