Dean Winchester~12

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Dean knocks on the front door loudly. A few moments pass before it opens, revealing a young man in pajamas.

"I'm Agent Williams, and this is my partner Agent Johnson. FBI." Dean says as you two flip open your badges, showing them to the man.

"Come on in."

You and Dean walk into the small apartment, and man sits down on a velvety red couch.

"So what did you see that night?" Dean asks, attempting to be nice to the stranger.

The man stares at the pair of you carefully, a strange smile creeping onto his face.

"Are you two like partners or something?" The man questions, speculation washing over his features.

"Well, yeah." Dean says with a sassy note in his voice.

"No, I mean like a couple." The man corrects himself, raising his eyebrows. "You know." The man makes kissing noises.

You start cracking up, you're laughing so hard that you're crying. Wait, you're supposed to be a FBI agent. You stand straight up once again, and compose yourself.

"Just answer the questions, buddy." You snap, trying your hardest not to crack a smile. You steal a glance at Dean. He looks hurt.

"Well I didn't see anything. But I heard these...these."

"Spit it out." Dean barks.

"These noises. It was like a high pitched ringing." Fear danced in the young man's eyes.

You and Dean exchange wide-eyed looks.

"I don't know man. Can I just be left alone now?" The man looks purely terrified.

"Of course, thank you for your time." You nod to the man before you and Dean leave.

"It sounds like our kind of thing." You comment before hopping in the passenger's side of the Impala.

Dean loosens his tie as he gets in and starts the car.

"Yeah, I just don't really know what it is." He says, turning to face you.

He really does look upset. Dean looks away when starts driving. Sam, Dean, and you are staying at Bobby's for this case. Once you arrive after a silent drive, you look over to Dean.

"What's wrong?" You ask, taking his hand.

"Nothing Y/N." He gives your hand a squeeze and starts to open his door. You place a hand on his face and make him turn to look at you, stopping him from leaving the Impala.

"Something's wrong and you're going to tell me." You snap, staring at him with an intensity.



He takes a deep breath and answers.

"Why did you laugh back there when that guy thought we were dating?" Dean says, not making any eye contact with you.

"Because I see you as a brother, Dean." You say, playfully punching his shoulder.

Ouch, friend-zoned. That hurt him more than it should have. He really likes you. You really like Dean too, but you just don't know how he'd react if you ever told him. Reject you? Accept it? Who knows.

His small expression of hope falls.


You notice his mood change and decide to say something.

"Not unless you want me to think of you as something more than brotherly." You challenge, raising an eyebrow at him. He smirks his signature Winchester smirk, and looks back at you.

"I'd like that." Dean says, voice low as he eyes you down, biting his lip.

"I know I'd like that too." You say, shifting closer to him.

"Y/N." He says, his voice just above a whisper.

"Dean." You whisper in his ear, driving him into insanity.

He grabs your face and smashes his lips to yours. You respond to the kiss immediately, lacing your fingers into his hair. Dean's hands roam all over your body. You can feel him smiling through the kiss.

You two break for air, then go back at it. He kisses you deeper this time, more passionate. You two get to making out when there's a knock on the window. The door opens causing Dean to fall out of the Impala, and you to tumble out right on top of him.

"Excuse me." Sam says sarcastically. "Did you find out anything?" Sam asks, like opening the door to you two sucking face is completely normal.

You and Dean get off of the ground, and Dean clears his throat. "Yeah, high pitched ringing." Dean says, trying to get rid of his little brother.

"You should get on that." Sam suggests, giving Dean an amused look.

"I was thinking you could do that." Dean says, looking over at you, who is blushing furiously.

"Yeah sure, I'll get right on it." Sam says. "Just remember to use protection kids." Sam adds, winking at you two before heading back to the house, starring back at you two occasionally. You really do love Dean Winchester.

(Sorry I thought that was funny)

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