Sam Winchester~5

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It was all an accident, not meant to happen, or was it. He fell so hard, the way she laughed, her smile, her voice, he loved everything about her.

He loved her unconditionally, unfailing, and it was exactly the same for Y/N. They had an unbreakable relationship, inseparable from the start. Then just like that it was all over. She dropped dead right in front of Sam's eyes. That wasn't supposed to happen, she couldn't die. It can't be real, this isn't happening. She accepted who he was, who he is. She changed her life for him.

Now he's falling again, but not in the same way. Instead of falling in love, it's more like falling into never ending pain and depression. A life without her. If there was only a way to get her back, Dean had gone through it before, came back. But it was only back from hell, not heaven. At least she was in a better place. But his world was rocked and turned upside-down. He begged and asked Castiel if there was a way, a way to get her back into his loving and needy arms. For her to mend his damaged and broken heart. She was there in his dreams, memories of the young couple replayed in Sam's mind frequently.

One day his world turned back into the sunlight. When she came back, Cas said she was reborn as an Angel of The Lord. It was remarkable, she managed to come back to him. To fix his heart, to fix his world. To get him back on his feet again, and help him get back to living again. Living with his love, like it should always be. Maybe it was meant to happen, after all accidents don't just happen.

If there's any specific characters you guys would want me to write imagines for just let me know!!

Hope you enjoyed!!

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