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You can see the sheer terror in his eyes as you grip him by the throat and push him against the wall, choking him.

You narrow your eyes at him, smirking deviously.

"Y/N don't do it!!" Dean yells from behind you. You whip you head around and stare him down. That small smirk still present on your face, your eyes are dark and intimidating.

"Why wouldn't I?" You challenge, pulling out your angel blade and brushing it against Castiel's face.

Cas was defenseless at the moment. He couldn't hurt you. He would never bring any sort of harm to you no matter what. He could never be able to do that. Ever.

You fell. You turned your back to heaven and disobeyed. You stuck with the Winchesters for a while because you knew Castiel.

But then you took a darker path. You wanted to rule. To win and be on top of it all.

You chuckle darkly as you stare into Castiel's fear-filled blue eyes. But the way he looks at you though, it's deeper, betrayed.

You let the angel go, releasing him from your tight grip around his neck.

You sense somebody's presence behind you. You smirk and turn around grabbing their arm right before they try to plunge a dagger through you.

"Y/N no!!" Cas' deep commanding voice sounds behind you.

You could kill Dean Winchester with the snap of your fingers. He would finally be gone for good.

"Listen Y/N, you are unstable. Trust me please." Castiel pleads, standing a few feet behind you. "Why?" You ask simply. "This man has ruined your life Cas! Why shouldn't I get rid of him...forever." You state, exasperated. "Because Y/N, it's not right." The last word Castiel says echoes in your head. "Right?" You say in disbelief.

"It's not right?" You say a little louder with growing attitude. "Cas what we did wasn't right! Do you ever regret leaving heaven? We turned our backs on our own brothers and sisters!" You shout, tightening your grip on Dean. "Because of him!" You throw Dean across the room, he hits the wall, and slumps over.

"Y/N!" Cas yells as you walk towards him. "Listen to me, you need to trust me." You scoff and grab Cas' shoulders, shoving him harshly against the wall. "That's not how I work now." You take out your blade and hold it tightly, the weight of Castiel's words bearing down on you. This isn't right.

You look into Castiel's bright blue eyes, and he catches your moment of venerability. You notice and look at him more fierce and powerful now, and Castiel feels the cold metal of the knife being pressed up against his neck. You are centimeters away from him, this is too easy. "I'm sorry." You mumble before shifting to kill him. "I love you anyways." Castiel whispers, his words barely audible.

Your blade clatters to the floor when a pair of lips press to yours. You immediately are switched with Cas as he pins you to the wall, he gracefully picks up the blade and holds it tightly. "No more killing, no more dying, no more pain, just hope Y/N. I'm begging you."

You squirm under his touch, trying to get away from him. Trying to free yourself from his capture. Castiel tosses the blade far behind him and you hear it make contact with the dusty floor. "Let. Me. Go." You spit, venom dripping in your voice.

"Don't fight me Y/N." In response you free one arm and punch him in the jaw. "Come back to me!" He shouts as you push him off of you and kick him, hard. "I'm different now Cas, I don't care about you." Your words break Cas' little angel heart. He suddenly feels dizzy, as if he's spun around a hundred times. "You...w-what?" He stammers.

You retrieve your blade, and approach him, grabbing his collar. "I. Don't. Care. About. You." You say harshly, emphasizing every word as you raise your blade to his neck. "Don't." He begs as tears of betrayal and heartbreak form in his beautiful blue eyes.

"Hey bitch!!" Dean roars from across the room. You snap your whole body in his direction. Suddenly, Dean's eyes go wide as he stares beyond you. You follow his eyes to find Castiel kneeling on the ground, his hands clasped over his slit throat. You start freaking out and rush to his side.

"Cas? Cas!!" You shout shaking his shoulders. "I'm f-fine." He says as blood pours out of his mouth. "Cas!!" You scream, tears pouring down your face. "Don't leave me!" You shout, grabbing his face and watching as his eyes shut slowly. You sit there, shocked.

"Look what you did!!" Anger boils within you and you turn to Dean, the fury showing in your eyes. "You're the one with the healing powers." Dean comments, he seems unfazed by Castiel's 'death'. Dean stares at the ground in amusement. It was obvious that Cas wasn't dead, yet.

You run your hands across his neck, healing him. A strange glow emits from his skin, and minutes later the wound is completely healed. "I thought you didn't care." Castiel mumbles as he sits upright. You stay silent, you're too ashamed of your actions to speak.

"I forgive you Y/N." You look at him in shock before cautiously engulfing him in a slightly awkward hug. "I want to stay with you." You inform him. You can imagine the smile that's plastered on Castiel's face at the moment. "Please stay." His grip on you tightens. "I'll never leave again, and that's a promise."

I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in a while!!! I've been really busy.

Let me know if you like it!!

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