Dean Winchester~13

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You were in so much pain. Your broken collarbone piercing through your skin. Hair sticking to your sweaty face. "Dean." You croak out, pleading, praying for some help. For some way out of this disaster. This nightmare.

You scream in agony when your torturer pushes you into a wall, your collarbone screaming for medical attention. Your various gashes and slices bleeding, and your head pounding. This isn't how this is going to end. A demon snatching you and torturing you until you die. No, it wasn't going to happen.

You start muttering an exorcism. "Shut up you little shit." The demon snaps, coughing. You continue with the exorcism until the demon yells and falls to the floor with a thud.

You rip the demon's meat suit's shirt to make a makeshift sling. You stumble through the room and grab your phone, dialing Dean's number and sliding down against the wall.

"Y/N, are you okay?" You hear Dean's voice on the other side of the phone. "Listen, I-I'm injured, badly. A demon got me and...I sent it's ass back to h-hell." You stutter, you start slipping into unconsciousness. You quickly give him the address before fading away.

You are half awake when the boys arrive. You feel strong arms gently lift you off the ground. "Holy shit, Sam we've got to get her to the hospital." You hear Dean's deep, concerned voice. "I love her too much to see her in any pain."

You wake up in a hospital bed with a sleeping Dean sitting by you. You nudge him with your good arm and he jolts awake. "Hey how are you feeling?" He says groggily. "Better, how bad was it?" He sighs and answers.

"You had to have immediate surgery. But we can leave today." He informs you, taking your hand in his. "Well that's just wonderful. How long am I out for?" You ask, fearing the answer. "No hunting for six to eight weeks." You groan in his response.

"You have to be more careful next time, and no more hunting by yourself." You roll your eyes at Dean and his overprotectiveness. "I think we should get out of here." You suggest, giving Dean a forced smile. "Let's go."

Let me know if you liked it! Any requests?

I won't be able to update as often for quite a while because I'm starting school.

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