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The car ride has been silent so far.

"Dean, where are we going?" No reply, just him staring at the road ahead, ignoring you.

You turn off the music and stare coldly at him.

"Why aren't you talking to me?"

Dean lets out a frustrated sigh.

"You're in danger." Dean says flatly, his eyes still fixated on the road ahead.

"Since when am I not." You scoff, rolling your eyes at him.

"I need to protect you."

You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding.

"So..." You press.

"So I'm taking you someplace safe."

Someplace safe? What place could be safe enough to protect you from the demons that were hunting you down. They wanted you. You would be a great tool to their side. It wasn't just the demons that wanted you. They were sent to retrieve you. For Lucifer.

He didn't just want you because of your 'gifts', but because of your relationship with the Winchesters. They both loved you, obviously Dean more than Sam, but they would do anything for you. So that's one reason he wanted you. Sure you were scared, but you know that Dean would protect you.

"Why didn't you bring Sam?" You feel his heated glare on you. "Cas agreed to watch over him while we are away." Dean explains, looking back at the road. The rest of the drive is silent.

You arrive at a car junk yard. Bobby's safe room. That's where Dean is taking you. He rushes you into the safe room and says that he'll be back soon with food for the two of you. You are reading a book, sitting in the bed when...

"Hey there kitten. Whatcha doing?"

Your breath hitches in your throat and you contemplate yelling for Dean, but you remember that he went out to get food.

"Lucifer." You say harshly, glaring at him.

"Ouch darling, you hurt my feelings." He says with mock hurt. He starts walking closer to you.

"W-what do you want?" You say, trying to sound strong, but failing miserably.

"You know what I want." Lucifer says, he's only a few inches from you now. "You." He pounces on you, putting a hand on either side of your legs. You let out a strangled cry, pleading for Dean to rescue you.

"Shhh." Lucifer puts a finger to his lips. "I'm not going to hurt you Y/N." Sympathy laces his features. "I promise, I would never do that." He says staring into your (e/c) eyes. He brushes some hair away from your eyes.

"You are truly gorgeous."

You blush. You weren't scared anymore, maybe because you trust him now. Maybe you actually are starting to believe that he won't hurt you. He presses his lips to your gently. You kiss him back.

"Hey I got some fo-" Dean is cut off by the sight of you and Lucifer lip-locked. "Shit."

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