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How to save a life

Saving lives, that's your job. To save innocent souls from tragic deaths. But what saved your lives, nothing was there to protect you.

Cas cradled your dying body in his shaky arms. How could this happen? What went wrong?

He wanted to save your life. He wanted to guarantee you life with him. He wanted you to live, not die.

But he couldn't make that choice. It wasn't his to make in the first place. He wasn't the one who distracted the angels and got beaten to near death.

He wasn't the one who saved lives. He was just a solider, one meaningless angel, but you made him feel like much more than that. You made him feel wanted and special, because Castiel is special to you.

He felt your body shake beneath his crushing embrace on it. "C-C-Cas." You choke out, blood splattering on Castiel's trench coat.

"Help me." You plead, begging for release from this unbearable pain. "P-Please." You sputter out.

Castiel's tears spill onto your clothes. He couldn't save your life.

He gulps and tries to look down at you. You wince and reach for his face.

"I-I can't." He chokes out, the pain of losing you engulfing him completely.

Dean watches in the background. Staring at the scene in front of him, crying. The Dean Winchester crying over somebody else's problem.

Cas puts pressure on your would, desperately trying to stop the constant flowing of blood from your body. So that maybe, just maybe, you could make it to a hospital in time.

"C-Cas." Your eyelids become heavy. His worry-filled eyes flicker to yours and you deliver him a pained expression in return. He instantly moves his head closer to yours.

His hands now covered in your blood. He pushes some hair away from your eyes, smearing blood on your now pale face.

"G-Goodbye Cas."

"N-No, don't leave me."

You manage to lift your head up with all of your remaining strength and press your lips as lightly as possible to Cas'.


Cas feels your body become limp as you breath your very last breath. He holds your body to his tightly.

He yells out into the night, cursing his father. All the pain and anguish of losing you fills his voice.

You're not coming back, you're gone forever. Castiel will never see your beautiful face again, ever. Learning that will be difficult for Castiel, but now, now he mourns.

Castiel clutches your body tightly, cursing and yelling. "Y-you can't be gone. Y/N, wake up. Please." He says staring at your closed eyes, shaking your shoulders.

"Y/N!!" Cas shouts, tears streaming down his face, his hair now messy from pulling at it.

"Y/N!!!" He collapses over you again, weeping into your jacket that still smells like your perfume.

"Cas." Dean calls grabbing the angel's shoulder. "Go away!" Cas screams at him. Dean slowly backs up, more tears coming to his eyes.

Castiel's never going to be the same again. He will forever be changed by your death.

He knows he could've saved your life if he wasn't drained. He feels like it was his fault. He could've discovered how to save a life. How to save your life.

Castiel just looks at you, hoping that suddenly you would jump with life, but deep down he knew that that wasn't really going to happen.

"I could've saved you, I really could've if I tried. It's all my fault. Put the blame on me. I'm sorry Y/N, I let you down. I'm truly just a solider and I'm not important. I don't even know how to save a life. Forgive me...please."

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