Dean Winchester~10

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"Don't you dare touch her you little shit!!" Dean yells at the demon who is just inches away from you. "I swear if you do, you won't live another minute!" He shout, the demon snaps his head in Dean's direction. "It seems like you shouldn't be the one making rash decisions at the moment." The demon reminds him. He drags the tip of the knife against your the skin on your stomach before plunging the knife in. "No!!" Dean yells. The demon turns to him and delivers a wicked and twisted smirk. Then the demon grins and stabs you again.

"I'm begging you! Stop!" Dean pleads, he's basically in tears. You didn't deserve this, it was all his fault. He shouldn't have let go on a hunt by yourself. Dean just couldn't stand seeing you in pain. At least you had passed out a while ago, so the screaming ceased. "Why would I stop, this is just too much fun. The famous Dean Winchester begging for a simple demon to save the one he loves. Precious." Dean couldn't do anything, it was like he was there for the show. But he was going to get you out of this, alive. "I doubt even you could do that." Dean mutters. "Excuse me?!" The demon explodes, temper rising.

"You think that I am not ca-" The demon gets cut off by Sam pushing Ruby's demon knife into that bastard's meat suit. The demon drops down dead to the floor, and Dean is immediately released from it's invisible hold on him. The boys rush over to you, and untie you. "D-Dean?" You stutter, eyelids drifting open. But they began to feel heavy, and the pain was just too much to bear.

"No no no, stay with me Y/N." Dean says shaking your shoulders violently. "You are going to be okay, I'm going to get Cas down here and h-he's going to p-patch you u-up." Dean says choking on tears. "Cas we could really use you right now!" You hear Sam shout in the fading background.

Your eyes gradually close, and you are met with darkness and Dean's panicking. Suddenly, you feel a warm and tingling sensation in your wounds, then the pain simply disappears. You sit upright and find yourself gazing into Castiel's blue eyes. He looks scared, worried, and then finally his looks vanish, and you see relief wash over his face. "Thanks." You mumble as you look around for Dean. "They are in the car." Cas informs you, noticing your frantic search for your boyfriend.

Castiel walks you to the Impala then zaps out. Dean jumps out of the Impala and runs over to you. "I was so worried, I thought I almost lost you." He says capturing your mouth in a sweet kiss. "You are NEVER hunting by yourself again." He says before you two head off to the Impala.

Any suggestion, requests? I'm willing to take them! Sorry this one is kinda crap...

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