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"You're lying." Castiel says grabbing your arm as you walk away. "Let me go!" You shout at him trying to pull away, Castiel looks at you with worried eyes.

"What's wrong, this isn't you." Cas says pulling you closer. "Just leave me alone." You say trying jerk away, but he just tightens his grip on your arm. "There is something wrong with you y/n. Tell me." Cas demands. You just glare at him, but take a deep breath and answer.

"I'm tired of having to live up to your expectations. I bet you're just afraid to lose your control over me. Because everything that you believed that I would end up as has crumbled down. All you are doing is commanding me, your just trying to cover up the truth Cas. Because every thing that I do is just another mistake in your eyes. This isn't the person I wish to be!" You yell looking at Castiel, you've hurt him, you can see it in his bright blue eyes.

"Stop trying to control me, I don't want to be like you! You're cold and you don't have a heart. And I don't want to end up like that!" There's a long period of silence.

You pull your arm away from him, only to have it grabbed again after taking a few steps. "You know that I don't push you to do this y/n. What could I have possibly done to make you hate me? I did nothing Y/N! I was trying to help you!! And by the way I have emotions too!" He yells, tightening his grip on you.

You rip your hand away from his as if he's poisonous to touch. "Castiel, you are hurting me!" You start to walk to the door. But not before you pick up a vase from a nearby coffee table and chuck it across the room, missing Cas' head by mere millimeters.

"You know exactly what you did, and you should just know that it's too late to fix now. And if you really did care you wouldn't have let this happen in the first place!" You shout, and hurry outdoors, receiving various looks of disbelief and pity from Sam and Dean.

You start walking, not even knowing where your going. But of course it starts to rain. You didn't really know if you should've said what you did. You saw the hurt in his eyes, the betrayal in his face. Part of you wanted to take it back, but he needed to know how you felt.

•a few hours later•

You sit there in the rain, of course it's still raining. How could Cas be so selfish, it just wasn't like him. But he did say he was just trying to help. You didn't know what to think of this. Should you trust the angel, or just turn your back on him, tossing out whatever you two had left of a relationship.

You suddenly feel something being draped over your shoulders, and turn around quickly, ready to kill. Then you see him, Castiel. You reach up to your shoulders and feel a coat, an overcoat to be exact. Cas' trench coat. You shiver and pull the coat tighter against your small frame.

"We're not a mistake." You hear Cas' deep voice say. Castiel was your soulmate, you two were a match made in heaven, literally. Like you were both made in heaven, both Angels of The Lord sent down to protect. You stare down at the muddy ground, not wanting to see the pain hidden in his features.

He sighs deeply, trying to gain your attention. "I'm freaking angel Cas I think I can take care of myself." You mutter. "Y/n, listen. I don't mean to hurt you. I do not want you to think that I don't care about you, because I do, a lot. I'm sorry if I overreacted with the whole guiding you thing. And just tell me if I ever need to stop. I just don't want you to be unprepared. I want you to be ready, y/n. I want you to be safe. But as long as I'm here I'll protect you from any harm. Because I...I love you." Cas lets it out with another long sigh.

You sit there in silence for a bit, while you absorb all the information. "I-Cas...." You take a deep breath and move closer to your angel. "I love you. And I'm so sorry." You say and fling your arms around him hugging him tightly.

You are partially relieved that he wasn't trying to change you, just trying to protect you, and because you were just so glad to have Castiel back. He pulls apart and guides you chin upwards, towards him. "I love you y/n." He says before kissing you gently on the lips. After a bit you pull apart and hug him tightly again. "I love you too Cas."

Sorry if this one's kinda bad, I wrote it awhile ago, so it's iffy. Let me know what you think! Still open for requests as well!

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