Sam Winchester~9

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"You can tell me." Sam assures you, placing a kiss on your cheek. "I don't want to." You reply firmly. "I can help you, trust me."

"I don't know if I should." You see the hurt in his eyes. The way he can't stand not being able to help you. How he can't fix it. The guilt is eating him alive, and there's not a damn thing he can do about it.

You didn't want to hurt him, you never did. But this was different. You just couldn't tell him. He would be even more broken than he already was. It was your choice, but it was all for him. In the end it would all work out. Yeah right. Forget the happy ending, this wasn't going to work.

"Sam I made a deal." Tears stream down your face. You wipe them away, and stare at the ground. "I'm so sorry." You mutter. Warm arms wrap around you and hold you tightly, like they don't want you to leave. There is dead silence. You have tried ways to get out of this, but to no prevail. You were going to hell and that was the end of the story.

"We will find a way out of this. You are not going to hell. It's not going to happen. I promise." Sam's shaky voice says. You feel his tears falling on your shirt. You turn to face him, and wipe away his tears, trying to smile. "It's going to be okay."

•••••••2 months till deadline•••••

You couldn't track the demon that held you contract. You needed help. Heavenly help. You walk towards Sam, who is currently researching any demonic signs in a four state radius. "Sam." Your voice rings. You swear he flinches. "Sam." You repeat, gaining his full attention. You place a hand on his face. He looks horrible. He hadn't eaten or slept in days. His face held stumble from not shaving. And his eyes were red and puffy from crying.

"I think you need to take a break." You say, staring into his hazel eyes.

Tears fall, he hugs you tightly. "I don't want you to go." Sam says. "I have to find a way, I can't let you go to hell." You feel his heart beat rapidly. "Dean's told me what it's like, I don't want you to go through that." He pulls away from the hug, but only to kiss you, hard. "I don't want you to go." He repeats. "I know Sam, I know."

You hear flapping of wings and a hushed conversation in the other room. "Cas?" You question. Him and Dean walk into the room you are in with Sam currently. "I realize the situation and I'm willing to help." He says staring at you with...was that pity? "He's already found the bastard." Dean says with venom in his voice. Both of the boys have tried everything, and this is the last thing that they could think of. "Well what are we waiting for? Let's get going!" Dean practically yells.

Sam kept his promise, it didn't happen. But it was a close call. You never were going to make that mistake again. You love Sam and could never do that to him. Everyday now when you look in the mirror, you just realize how precious life is. Especially as a hunter. That one second it could all be gone. But here you are alive and well. Not to mention happy. Happy that this life with the Winchesters wasn't going to end any time soon.

Thank you soo much for 2k reads!! Wow!

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