Sip 26: Readers

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Maybe I'm being rude, maybe I'm being a cynic, maybe I just hold myself on a pedestal above all other people on Wattpad; either way, I get so annoyed with the readers of this site . 

Now, this is all me making that small little logical fallacy called generalization, but sometimes the proof is in the pudding. Readers are blessed beings. They give you vote, reads, comments, and even help to spread you story around the Earth, but sometimes they can be really, really annoying. I'll explain what I mean.

Firstly, I'm going to start off with a light tone because I can't be a prick the entire chapter. Sometimes when I'm reading a story I'll click on the in-line comment bubble. I really like that Wattpad added this to the mobile version of the site, especially as a writer because it shows you what parts of the story people get really intrigued at. Often times, actually every time, I look at the in-line comments to see if someone thought the same thing as me. I get a pleasant feeling when someone did. I'll probably reply to them "Me too!" or something to that effect but that's it. So why is it that sometimes I'll see 51 comments on the same line of everyone literally saying the same. Exact. Comment. THE SAME. EXACT. COMMENT! JUST IN DIFFERENT WAYS! WHY?? Someone already said it! Now theres 48 other people saying the same thing! I mean, maybe it's just annoying to me. 

I like to try and reply to everyone's comment, but what am I supposed to say to 51 people who've said the same thing? "Hahaha!" Over and over again? No way, I'll seem ingenuine. 

Now that I've gotten that off my chest, let's get to the nitty-gritty. 


Readers are blessed beings like I've said earlier. They give us plenty of stuff that we as writers enjoy. However, sometimes it's like they subliminally hold it over our heads. For instance, they think that because the give us reads or comments, even votes, it would be polite and respectful of us to give them all they ask for. Or worse, adhere to their beliefs. A few examples:

A:) If An Author is Canceling Their Story

If an author is canceling their story, why is it appropriate of a reader to say things in protest, especially complaining. If you see everyone else in the comment section offering their support, don't be that a'hole that's like: 

"ugh i was rlly getting into itttt. can't u just post one more chapter? for me? it cant be that hard." 

It is that hard. If the person just said they're through, they're through. It's that person's story, not yours. Shut up. Keep it to yourself. Don't try and guilt trip an author into a backbend for you. It's absolutely uncalled for. 

B.) If Things Aren't Going Your Way

This just really makes me crazy and I'm smiling as I type this because it's so unbelievable that I even have to put this bullet point. What I mean about "if things aren't going your way" is that when things in your opinion turn into something you don't really want in a story. Like, if you don't agree with the direction you expected or something happens that turns you off in a story. 

What's the best thing to do in that situation if you really don't like what's going on?

Leave the story, and delete it. 

What's not the best thing to do in that situation? B!tch and complain, even bargaining for the story to be changed.

"waaaaat?? why did he do that???? thats really bad, i think u should change it js. no one is gonna read it if u make it like that." 

And the worst:

"i think you should make her go out with rory otherwise im not reading anymore."

Do you think an author that cares more about their story rather than you petty ultimatum is really going to listen to you? No. And the fact that you would even think to say something like that means that you need to take a break from the story point blank. 

Naivety/Creating Fetishes/Making Excuses to Right Yourself

Sometimes I read stories where the main character will have a mental illness or is going through a traumatic experience. With those stories I'm usually really picky because to execute them correctly, it takes a lot of research or other such knowledge. As a result, I've read a few stories that center on abuse. There is one thing that never changes about these stories and it's the black, white, and grey genre of responses. Some people:

a: recognize the abuse and are upset at the abuser.

These people generally make me happy since I'm usually one of them. 

b: recognize the abuse and demand that the author change the story's direction (as if "abuse" wasn't a tag for the story).

These people make me so upset it's not even funny. The author made it that what because that's what they wanted to write. If they wanted to write a story where everyone lived in Pleasantville and was married to a Stepford Wife, they would have. But no, the author explicitly stated that the story centered on abuse as an experience. Even if they didn't state it as a tag or otherwise, who are you to demand that it changes? This isn't Goosebumps Choose Your Own Scare. This is a finite book with a definitive plotline. Don't like it? Don't read it. Go read or write something you'll enjoy. 

c: don't recognize the abuse or recognizes it and fetishize it. 

This one kills me the most. I read an abuse book once where I saw comments talking about how hot the character was when he said aggressive and abusive things. I was appalled. Other people tried to say the character had anger issues rather than actually being an abuser. Wut. 

Anyway, these are just a few of the things readers do that kill me. What about you? I mean, if you don't care about what people think. 

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