Chapter 2

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A/N Picture of Oliver Cooper

*Oliver's POV*

*A week later*

I sighed in frustration at the problem I was looking at while sitting in my favorite class of the day, AP Calculus class. I looked up from my paper and saw that each student was looking at the problem as if silently asking, "What the hell is this?" I looked back at the problem and scrunched my eyebrows in confusion, unsure of what was wrong with the problem.

"Mr. Park could you come here for a sec," I said not looking up from my paper trying to solve the problem in my head. I heard Mr. Park's chair squeak then his footsteps approaching me. I pointed to the problem, "this equation doesn't make sense, if the answer is supposed to be 36.58 cubed then by plugging it back into the equation would equal no solution, or error on the calculator." I was about to continue but was interrupted by the very familiar voice of Jax.

"You don't use a calculator."

"Well, if I did, Jax, it would equal an error" I replied sarcastically just as Jax rolled his eyes.

"Anyway, I came in here to tell you about Johnny and his company's condition, but since you're being a sarcastic asshole, I won't tell you." He said dramatically turning around while crossing his arms.

"Bae, wait, I'm so sorry, please forgive me," I said reaching out trying to grab hold of Jax's hand but he edged away from it.

"No, I hate you," he said trying to sit down in the seat next to me, but missed it.

"I see you're falling for me," I said smoothly nodding my head upwards and raising one of my eyebrows.

"You wish hotshot."

"So you do think I'm hot," I said pointing at him with a sly smirk on my lips.

"That's beside the point," he said rolling his eyes. I just scoffed.

Mr. Park looked between me and Jax, "You two are..." he said walking back to his desk while shaking his head, "Unbelievable" he finished taking a seat. He looked back at us, "I ship you two." Jax and I looked at each other confused looking back at Mr. Park with an unsure glare.

A girl whose name I could care less about raised her hand and spoke in a squeaky, high-pitched voice, "Mr. Park, do you even know what shipping means?"

Mr. Park took off his glasses slowly and replied with a dead stare, "Caitlyn, can you even spell shipping?"

Under her breath, "I know it starts with a 'c.'"

"No, it starts with a 'z,' I would know, I'm fluent in Enrish," one of my close friends, James said, skin contact was heard right after.

"Dude, shut up, that's racist," his twin, Alden said.

"Hajima!" Mr. Park said which the Korean phrase for stop was.

"Andwae!" Both James and Alden said at the same time which the Korean phrase for no or no way was; Mr. Park, James, and Alden are all Korean if it wasn't already known.

I looked back at them and only shook my head smiling slightly. The phone began to ring making Mr. Park get up to answer it, "What?" he said a bit aggravated.

He cleared his throat and fixed his posture before humming a bit before saying, "Yes I will, have a nice day Mr. Preston."

Mr. Park's eyes found mine when he hung the phone back onto the wall receiver. "You're needed in the office right now." He said.

"Aw man why do you have to leave now?" Alden and James said at the same time again. I just shrugged my shoulders standing up from my seat as the twins glared at each other. Jax looked at me and I met his eyes which were filled with worry. I gave him a reassuring smile and walked out of the classroom. I took my time walking down the hallway to the conference room located in the office.

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