Chapter 4

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A/N Picture of Jax's mother and father

*Jax's POV*

The rest of the week passed by the same as Monday, slow, boring and still no contact from Oliver. It was finally Friday and I had absolutely no plans whatsoever. Usually people threw parties but I didn't think anybody was because there wasn't any of the normal excitement if there was one. Looks like Netflix and popcorn just became my best friend for the weekend, ha oh wait it already did Monday night.

When I got home I was alone since my sister and brother still had school and my parents were at work still. I made my way over to the cabinet and pulled out the bag of uncooked popcorn and popped (no pun intended) it in the microwave. As it was cooking I poured myself a tall glass of Coke. After the two and a half minutes the popcorn was finally done. I took it out of the microwave and started shaking the bag to try to get some extra butter from the sides of the bag onto the popcorn. I grabbed the glass of Coke, deciding to just grab the bottle, and brought everything upstairs to my room setting everything down on my dresser next to my bed.

I grabbed the controller turning on the system and went to How I Met Your Mother. I made it a quarter through the second season over the week, I probably would have gotten further but I had homework and I knew that if I turned it on I would never get it done. I plopped down on my bed grabbing the bag of popcorn and opened the bag carefully as the introduction played. I got through about two episodes before hearing a pounding at my front door. I sighed, pausing the episode I was currently on and went downstairs another loud pounding sounded on the door again. "Alright, alright I'm coming, jeez" I said to no one in particular.

I opened the door before they busted down the door again. The person was trying to balance a large pizza with a bottle of Coke in their arms. When they moved it so I could see their face my emotions went from happy to angry real quick.

"Hey," Oliver said.

"Hey? With no contact for weeks or even an explanation, and you decide now to show up at my door and all you have to say is hey?!" I said trying to remain calm while he looked at me calmly.

"I brought pizza." He said with a sly smile, trying to act innocent. I just opened my door wider and allowed him to come in while taking the pizza from his hands as he made himself comfortable like he usually did.

"I'm still mad at you so you probably won't get any of this pizza." I said placing it on counter in the kitchen, grabbing a plate for me. He looked at me like I was crazy.

"Come on dude I bought the damn thing, isn't the buyer like obligated to get as many slices as they want?" he said leaning his hands against the counter across from me, the pizza in the middle of us facing me.

"Whatever I don't eat you can have." I said taking a bite out of the first slice. He groaned in frustration.

"You and I both know that we can each eat a large pizza by ourselves, therefore can I at least get two slices?" he said hopefully. It was true though, one day we were being total fat asses and each ate a large pizza on our own while watching a movie. The thought made a small smile come to my face remembering that day as if it were yesterday.

"Fine. We can split the damn pie. I'm still mad at you though." I said dragging out the 'fine' as if I were a whinny six year old instead of seventeen year old.

"I wouldn't expect anything less," he replied smugly knowing he got his way as per usual while grabbing a slice taking a bite. We didn't talk much after that, we sat there eating the pizza silently, and the only sounds heard were from our chewing and an occasional car passing by. After some time had passed we were finished with the pizza and half the bottle of Coke was gone as well.

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