Chapter 24

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*Oliver's POV*

I stayed by Jackson throughout the night making sure he was still breathing. I knew he would be okay; the steady beeping of the heart monitor reassured me, but I still couldn't help the images of him, bloodied, fighting for his life, or barely breathing from flashing through my head any time I looked at him. He was covered in bandages to keep the wounds closed, unless he had excessive movement. We are both stubborn as hell, so we probably would move despite the pain.

I didn't get any sleep because I still could not shake the uneasiness that settled in my gut. This was more than a warning, this was a threat. No one went after me or Jackson unless they were trying to get a message across because both of us were second in command. Message received loud and clear.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and raised my eyes to see Simba looking down at me. "Go get some sleep; he won't be going anywhere anytime soon. I'll be here if he wakes up," he said almost ordered. I must have been too tired from the lack of sleep to disagree or try to have a comeback because I found myself nodding along. I got up as my bones cracked from sitting in one position for too long and stretched a bit. I almost groaned in the relief my back felt when I straightened it again but kept it too myself. I gave one last look to Jackson before heading out the clinic door.

I all but dragged my feet up to my room and collapsed on my bed almost falling asleep instantly when my head came in contact with the pillow. I got into a more comfortable position and toed off my shoes and finally fell asleep, even if it were only for a few hours.

I woke up feeling a little better now that I got some sleep, it was one of those sleeps where it felt long but really wasn't. I trudged my way downstairs making my way to the kitchen where Jackson was, standing. I didn't do anything because I didn't know what to do.

"Sandwich would be really good," I heard him mumble under his breath. He grabbed random ingredients, too high on the drugs he must have been given (not those kind of drugs). He took out the bread last and placed two slices side by side as he sat in one of the stools. The food he had before him reminded me of a pregnant woman going through their weird cravings.

Let's see, he had the following ingredients that would all taste gross together: pickles, mayonnaise, jalapeños, mustard, pepperoni, cheese, fluff and jelly. Now the ingredients before fluff probably would have been okay but adding the fluff and jelly sounded gross.

He got through about half of it before setting it down while groaning, "Why do you taste so weird sandwich?" He literally pouted at the sandwich as if it would give him the answer. He somehow grabbed a can of beer as he was gathering everything else because he quickly chugged it down.

"What are you doing out of bed?!" Jax's voice rang throughout the kitchen as he pulled Jackson from the seat.

"I was hungry," was Jackson's response stumbling a little from when Jax had gently pushed him to walk out of the kitchen, in my direction.

"Let's get you back to bed, you can't be moving around this much with the amount of damage to your body Jackson," Jax said as he tried guiding him out of the kitchen again. Jackson turned out of Jax's hold and crossed his arms like a child.

"I am not going to bed," was his oh so witty response.

"Yes, you are," Jax argued going towards Jackson who backed away into me. I grabbed him lightly before lifting him off his feet, trying not to hurt him and avoiding some of the more serious wounds.

I carried him back to the clinic and placed him gently on the bed. I went as far as pulling the sheets over him, as if I was tucking him in. I sat back down in the chair that I sat in before last night as Jax rechecked his wounds, probably to make sure none of them reopened. Jackson was so out of it he probably didn't realize he was about to reveal the answers to my questions.

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