Chapter 27

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*Oliver's POV*

A few days have passed since Jax and I came to Jackson's apartment. It was a little cramped but I wasn't really complaining. I would always wake up before Jax, only to find that we were a tangle of arms and legs. I honestly didn't know who's were who's at some points. I would get out of bed as quickly but quietly as I could without waking Jax. I didn't need him seeing anything that would make either of us uncomfortable; basically meaning the morning wood I would be sporting. It would be a little awkward if Jax woke up to me trying to climb over him while sporting a hard-on, he probably would think I was going to try something on him.

Anyway, before I think too much on that I shook my head to clear the thought away, albeit difficult but I was able to rid my mind of those types of thoughts and calm the throbbing between my legs. Jax and I would switch sides every night so we weren't at a disadvantage. When I first landed on the ground from being pushed off I made Jax switch the next night and then he ended up on the ground. I guess sooner or later we just kind of tangled together, afraid of falling off.

Jax had gotten a text from Heather telling him he needed to come home for a dinner and to bring me and Jackson. I got the same text but a few more choice words were said in mine so I agreed that today we would definitely have to go over or hell would be released.

When I got downstairs this morning I was surprised to find I was the only one up. The dogs followed me down but only bothered me to be fed. I found the food and poured them each a bowl. I dumped the old water and filled it with fresh, cold water. Calypso, that sassy cat, looked at me as if I was stupid but I made her a bowl and changer the water as well and set it on the counter she was sitting on while staring at me.

I looked in the fridge and found a few items I could make breakfast with. I began preparing pancakes and scrambled eggs. The pancakes didn't take that long to make but there was more than scrambled eggs. I was just finished plating them when I heard a pair a footsteps going down the stairs and another from this floor. Jackson appeared before Jax did but it really wasn't that much of difference since Jax was trailing right behind him.

Jackson trailed the kitchen with his eyes, occasionally stopping at what was out which included the dog bowls which were pretty much already finished and Calypso who looked almost content. His eyes finally landed on the plates of food I had out and the empty glasses I had set out when the pancakes were cooking.

"You made breakfast?" he asked, his eyebrows twitched.

"I mean if pancakes and eggs are what you have for breakfast then yes, but if not I really don't know what to tell you because this is the only thing I made. Would you prefer pizza?" I replied sarcastically back, but not the harsh sarcasm. Knowing me I would definitely eat pizza for breakfast is that's what someone were to make meaning most of the Coopers were the same. We ate just about anything, unless of course we were allergic.

Jackson only gave me a scowl in return and plopped in one of the chairs at the kitchen table where that god awful dinner took place. I took out the orange juice and milk and poured them in glasses for each of us. Jax took milk while Jackson and I took the OJ. We ate in silence again; the only sound was the scrapping of the silverware against the plates.

I decided to break the silence, "So, Heather, Jax's mom, wants the three of us to have dinner at her house and she texted me and Jax the other day about it and I've been putting it off but after a few choice words I finally told her we would come today. Would you be able to if I sent you the address?" I directed the question at Jackson. He looked up from his plate with his mouth full of pancakes, the syrup almost dribbling out of his mouth. I almost laughed at the way he ate but I was the same if I wasn't interrupted, at least I know his eating habits didn't change.

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