Chapter 26

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A/N sorry for the late update...
Picture is the room Oliver and Jax sleep in

*Oliver's POV*

I could tell the stay here would be extremely awkward, there was already tension and we haven't even been here for five minutes. The shorter guy next to Jackson made eye contact with me almost making me raise my eyebrow at him.

"You have a twin?!" he yelled as Jackson sighed. The shorter guy, who I'm only guessing is Riley since his voice is the same I heard on the phone, turned back to me. I smiled at him politely not knowing how he would be. I decided to introduce myself.

"You must be Riley. Nice to meet you, I was on the phone with you, Jackson's brother, Oliver and this is my best friend Jax," I even extended my hand in greeting. Riley could only nod so I could only assume he was still confused that Jackson had a twin. He shook both mine and Jax's hands before I asked Jackson to talk in the kitchen. We entered the kitchen leaving Jax and Riley alone.

Jackson looked straight at me, going straight to the point, "What are you guys doing here at my apartment?" I sighed and looked back at him.

"Simba and Mickael's order to come and stay with you at your apartment; it's right in the middle of the territories which is a benefit if anything happens we can get there quickly," I stated crossing my arms across my chest.

Jackson copied my movements but leaned against the countertop. "How long?"

"They didn't say but I'm guessing a while. Where would we be staying?" I asked looking around. From the outside of the building you could tell that each apartment ranged from one floor to two and from how high up we are I could only guess this was two floors.

He sighed with aggressively before looking at me, "I'll show you guys to the room you can stay in after dinner." He said before turning around to get a pan out of the cabinets.

"Go keep them occupied, tell them dinner will be ready and to sit at the counter over here," he said pointing behind him where the table was.


As Oliver and Jackson went into the kitchen I felt awkward. "So, you and Jackson," I started, "Are you guys boyfriends?" I asked scratching the back of my neck anxiously, habit I couldn't shake.

"Not really, don't have much of a label on our relationship I guess, but I like to think we're boyfriends," he said starting to pout. "Take a seat, they might be a while." Ahh, he caught the look the shared as well.

We sat in comfortable silence after that as we heard Jackson and Oliver's voices. They weren't loud enough for us to hear but that was really the only thing that made a sound. Oliver soon came back in and told us that dinner would be ready soon and to sit at the table.

Jackson came out a few minutes with grilled cheese stacked on a few plates. "Anything anyone needs?" Riley voiced as Jackson set down glasses of ice water.

"Can I have BBQ sauce?" Oliver spoke this time. I could only have an amused smile on my face. Oliver used to like ketchup but puts BBQ sauce on almost anything. I saw Jackson shake his head as Riley went to the kitchen.

He came back carrying the bottles of ketchup and BBQ sauce in one hand and a bag of chips in the other. He distributed the chips evenly between me, Oliver and himself.

The only sounds that were heard throughout dinner was the sounds of us chewing the food and taking sips of water. This was so freaking awkward. This impromptu decision to have Oliver and I live with Jackson would make tension rise between the two twins. I had a feeling Riley and I would get along, hopefully at least.

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